Gas Station Horrors

491 13 0

John: I'm bored.

Emerson: Then get off the computer.

John: Then why not YOU leave.

Emerson: Because I am actually doing something with my life.

John: doing WHAT?

Blyke: Seraphina has John ran out of valium?

Sera: Yup.

Emerson: Having a date with Fiore. Not like you would understand.

Arlo: Burn.

Isen: Make sure you wear a condom! ;)

Emerson: I'm going to personally murder you.

Arlo: *sip*


Arlo: 1. I am the president and 2. You don't have mods anymore so I can do whatever I want.

John: Well than who HAS mods?


John: No one?

Sera: Yup.

John: You disabled mods didn't you?

Sera: Yup.

Blyke: Dude I just saw a crack head come in the gas station and come out with blood on his mouth.

John: That's called life.

Arlo: John, please get some damn therapy.

Isen: Let's tell horror stories about gas stations!

Sera: One time, I was 16 and I had a 40 year old man hit on me at the station. I was just trying to grab a sandwich.

John: WHERE?

Sera: That was a long time ago John.

Remi: I onced went there wearing a mini skirt.

Fiore: Bad idea.

Remi: And then I had a bunch of guys give me money.

Fiore: Last week I was using the ATM there an I got a man staring at my ass.

Emerson: Why the fuck do the women have really bad stories?!

Sera: Because we are women.

Emerson: Fiore you are never going anywhere alone.

Fiore: Fuck.

John: Why's you say fuck?

Fiore: Because he may literally mean everywhere. Like the bathroom.

Isen: Kinky.

Emerson: wHo HaTeS tHeIr BaLlS?!

Isen: Gulp.

John: I once had a mental break down at a gas station.

Arlo: Why?

John: Because I have PTSD.

Arlo: Why?

John: Partially because of you.

Arlo: Why?

Sera: Yeah why?

Blyke: I'd like to know Asslo.

Arlo: Dunno, just felt like it.

Remi: Typical Asslo.

Isen: One time I tried to buy something and I had no money.

John: That's just pathetic not a horror story.

Isen: It is when you couldn't grab your 1,893rd pen!

Emerson: You ALL need help.

Sera: Why all of us?

Emerson: John has PTSD, You have bad shopping habits, Arlo is just an ass, Isen thinks everything is horny and Blyke keeps learning how to redo mistakes and shit.

Arlo: I went to that gas station and the had no coffee. I cried for an hour.


John: Coffee.

John: Do you hear yourself?

Isen: I almost got rap-

John: Shut up Isen.

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