Who Has A Microsoft?

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John: ######

Blyke: What?

Sera: He's using his old laptop again.

Arlo: I just bought him a brand new MacBook Pro!!!!

Sera: He says it's too simple for him.

Emerson: Install Ubuntu, that is advanced.

Sera: How?

Remi: Who wants cupcakes?

Arlo: Are they covered in blood?

Remi: No.

Arlo: Then no.


Arlo: Finally.

John: Too simple.

Emerson: 1. Go to ubuntu.com/download. Select Ubuntu M1 version. Download it and install it.

John: Wha?

Emerson: See? Too hard for u, use mac you idiot.

John: Hmph.

Isen: QUIZ TIME!!!!

Sera: Yes!

John: No!

Blyke: Meh.

Emerson: Could do worse.

Fiore: Hell no.

Remi: This will not be fun.

Arlo: *sip*

Isen: OK, who has a Microsoft?

Sera: What?

Blyke: uh, I have Windows 7.

Emerson: Why? It dropped support last year.

Isen: No, I'm talking about who has a Microsoft.

John: Why the fuck would you want to know that?

Remi: So much of this chat revolves around sex.

Isen: So who's got one?

Sera: Well I know for a fact that John doesn't have one.

Blyke: Of course.

Arlo: Well I don't have one. Besides I need to keep my first lady after all.

Blyke: Well, it's not Microsoft I know that.

Isen: Tell.

Fiore: Couldn't tell you.

Emerson: Fiore stop it.

Isen: Tell.

Emerson: No you sick fuck.

Isen: Why, you have a Microsoft.

Emerson: A Microsoft is when you have a tiny penis that doesn't get hard when you are a adult.

Emerson: I'm 15.

Isen: So you have a Microsoft?

Emerson: It's not soft.

Fiore: YESSSS!

Emerson: I must die.

John: Isen why do you why must you know all this inappropriate shit?!

Isen: I dunno, I think eating pen ink did it to me.


Blyke: Oh.

Blyke: My.

Blyke: God.

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