Final Notice

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Thank you all so much for reading, if you haven't please check out the main story unOrdinary: Hidden which the book is based on! The books that are in the Hidden universe are marked with ∆

I have a new chatfic to replace this one though it is purely unordinary only.

Also the Hidden and I do books have been spiritual replaced by unOrdinary: Champions.

Again thank you so much!

I want to thank theparkedcar for inspiring to write this chatfic and my new original one.

Well this is the end and I want to say is that please check out these other books after you've checked out the Hidden series! ( Hidden books are again marled with a ∆ )

unOrdinary Chatfic - Arlo The Rapist

unOrdinary Chatfic - Arlo The Rapist

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unOrdinary: Champions

unOrdinary: Champions

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UnOrdinary: Time Warp

And again thank you for reading!!

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And again thank you for reading!!


unOrdinary: Hidden - Chatfic ∆Where stories live. Discover now