Isen is a Beta

701 13 4

Emerson: Fuck you I posted it!!!

Isen: Why must you do this?

Sera: You got spanked by a donut?!?!

Isen: Yes.

Fiore: That's hot you know how to do that Em.

Emerson: And I will gladly do it again.

Blyke: My best friend got spanked by a donut. What else do I don't know?

Isen: I had a crush on John once.


Isen: :(

Sera: John. Did you?!

John: Nope, only you. Because I'm NOT gay.

Isen: My only luv to reject me

Remi: What else?

Blyke: Isen is a beta.

Arlo: That's a fact.

John: Shut up asslo.

John has changed Arlo to Asslo.

Asslo: Fuck you, I'm president.

John: I'm stronger than you.

Asslo: Fuck.

Remi: Guys can we be nice?

John has muted Remi.

Emerson: This MF still has Mods?

John: Yup.

Sera: John give it here.

John: Yes sherbet. But first.

John has changed Sera to Sherbert.

John has locked Sherbert username for 24 hours.

John has given Sherbert moderator.

Sherbert: Why?

Fiore: You do look like Sherbert.

Sherbert: Shut up Lesbian.

Sherbert has renamed Fiore to Lesbian.

Lesbian: HEY!!!

Blyke: Guys stop. We should be focusing on maybe our powers instead of fucking around I mean what if a new variety of Ember arises.

Sherbert has renamed Blyke to Pervert Goku.

Pervert Goku: Why Pervert Goku?

Sherbert has unmuted Remi.

Remi: Because you were playing around with a cucumber.

Pervert Goku: I was trying to make a salad!!!

John: Blyke, it's OK to be gay. If it were me, I would feel free to say that I'm gay BUT I'm not gay.

Pervert Goku: I did not hump myself with a cucumber.

Remi: Then what was that mounting I heard in the bathroom the other day?

Pervert Goku: I WAS TRYING TO POOP!!!

Emerson: Both cucumber and number 2 revolve around the asshole.

Pervert Goku: BUT I-

Lesbian: He slept with a cucmber, face it.

Asslo: I'll put this in my next speech. The donut spank too.

Isen: :(


John: U did.

Remi: It's over.

Pervert Goku: GUYS!!!!

John has renamed himself to Raven.

Raven: Wait, I found a cucmber covered in brown goo near the bathroom. You said it was chocolate.

Emerson: I hacked the cameras with my ability and uh, he did fuck it.

Raven: has renamed Emerson to Steve Jobs Hobo.

Steve Jobs Hobo: Fuck you.

Pervert Goku: NOOO!!!

Lesbian: That is disgusting.

Sherbert: No wonder John hated you.

Remi: Guys be nice.

Raven has renamed Remi to Pikachu.

Raven: STFU Pissachu.

Pikachu: :(

Isen: Man, that's worse than my monthly ritual of making out with my pens.

Raven has renamed Isen to Sick Fuck.

Asslo: He deserved it.

Lesbian: Agreed.

Sick Fuck: You guys.

Pervert Goku: Damn, monthly?

Steve Jobs Hobo: Why is this chat so cursed?

Raven: Because me sa horny.

Sherbert: John, not now.

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