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John: Whoa sanitizer is on sale!

Sera: Why would you need some?

Arlo: Sanitizer will not remove the blood of your hands.

Isen: It will remove the smell of genitals on your hands.


John: I hate you so much right now.

Elaine: If you put orange oil in orange sanitizer, you make kool aid.

Arlo: I just drank your kool aid. Fuck.

Fiore: John just buy the damn sanitizer.

John: But what do I need it for?

Isen: For what I just said.

John: I have a shotgun right here with 12 shots in it. Do you want me to kill you?

Emerson: Shut up with the violence. I am trying to fix my dresser.

Elaine: Then why are you texting?

Emerson: Cause y'all won't shut up.

Isen: O don't wanna die.

John: Then be quiet with your sick fuck ideology.

Remi: I'm bored.

Blyke: Wanna fry a book with me?

Remi: Again with the frying.


Sera: No you don't.

John: BUT ITS 30% OFF!!!

Arlo: I have homemade sanitizer made at my disposal.

Emerson: I have a homemade bat ready to hit at my disposal.

John: HELP!!! I ONLY HAVE 20$!!!

Sera: I thought you were supposed to buy cat food?

John: But SANITIZER!!!

Isen: You have mental issues.

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