Pssh, Arlo's Gay.

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John: I'm bored.

Sera: Let's fuck! ;)

John: Nope nopity NOPE!

Remi: Blyke when is my package gonna arrive?

Blyke: I just checked and it said 3 months.

Remi: 3 MONTHS?!

Blyke: Its from China Remi.


Emerson: That's the USSR flag

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Emerson: That's the USSR flag. Not the Chinese flag.

Arlo: Sorry, I failed history when I was attending Wellston.

Remi: Chinese are not communist!

John: Remi is a fucking idiot.

Sera: What do you think it is?

Remi: Democratic. Blyke told me.

Fiore: Fucking Blyke.


Blyke: Why u hate?

Isenc Why u stupid?

Remi: So its socialist?


Remi: Oh. That's good!

Arlo: They killed millions, more than Hitler ever did. Its a HORRIBLE system.

John: Yet you killed millions of my mental states Arlo.

Arlo: How does an ambush scare you like that?

Sera: Its basically liked getting raped.

Arlo: Oh.

Arlo: OH!

Arlo: John I'm sorry if I raped you.

John: Wha?

Isen: Lol Arlo thinks he raped John Noe.

Sera: He completely mis heard my sentence.

Arlo: I'm so sorry.

John: You did not put your penis in my ass EVER!

Isen: I would like to see that!

Emerson: Of course you do. 😓

Elaine: So Arlo....

Arlo: Yes my queen?

Remi: Again with the chat sex. 😖

Elaine: NEVER MIND!!!

Blyke: What happened?

Elaine: THIS!

John: Pssh, Arlo's gay

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John: Pssh, Arlo's gay.

Sera: No.

Emerson: He's in a maid costume?

Arlo: Well I was trying to be fun. You know.

John: Asslo. We both no you are THE worst person to be with fun.

Remi: Oh god I thew up.

Blyke: ON MY LAP!!

Isen: Kinky.

Fiore: Yeah this image IS kinky.

John: Arlo, be a dear and clean up my sandwich dishes.

Arlo: I'm not an actual maid!

Elaine: Then what are you?! Gay?!

John: Probably.

Arlo: You don't know me!

Isen: I looked him up and he's bi.

Blyke: Do you remember when pride month came and nobody was part of the LGBT+?

Blyke: Emerson is intersex and Arlo is bi.

John: OR GAY!!

Sera: John shut up.

John: Nah, I'd prefer not to.

Arlo: Guys.


Arlo: I just said guys as in you guys.

Isen: My Jarlo dreams will come true!

Remi: EWWW.

Emerson: Arlo, here's a video on how to cope with being bi.

( Author's Note: Link is actually unordinary animations. You should watch! )

Arlo: I fucking hate you.

Sera: As with everybody.

Elaine: Even me?

John: I mean he IS gay.

Isen: True.

Arlo: STOP!

Fiore: Hey I remember Arlo looking at Zeke's sweet sweet ass.

Arlo: I am mortified.

Blyke: ZEKE? No!

John: I can confirm.

Isen: Arlo is either Bi or Gay.


John: Really? I once caught you kissing another man.

Arlo: No you didn't.

Sera: Actually I saw too.

Blyke: So did I.

Elaine: WHAT?!

Isen: Arlo. Is. Gay. End of story.

Arlo: I'm not gay!

John: All signs point to gay.

Sera: Agreed.

Arlo: I'm ruined.

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