Red Strings of Fate (TaehyungxYou)

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A/N: This is entirely wayy too long... warning for language but enjoy :)  // if anyone else is excited for Namjoon's album raise your hand *wave both arms in the air!* 


        Guns poised and heavy in your hands, but that's just how you liked it. The feeling of tense muscles, along with the rush of adrenaline was what you loved best about a chase.

"We got company.." Your partner warned. He didn't have to tell you twice.

You picked up the sound of the wind before you actually saw them, two to be exact. Well, to say that you actually saw them is stretching it. There was no way for any normal person to see the two clearly. They were moving too fast for the average eyes.

"This is our territory, no outsiders allowed" The words echoed in the empty warehouse.

"Not after your robbery at the national bank it isn't" Zico calmly said. With both your backs against each other, eyes glancing back and forth. You were searching for any possible weak points.

After a cackle or two from the thieves, you didn't even bother continue to pay attention to the conversation still going on. Instead, you blocked out the surrounding, focusing on whether there were another presence nearby.

*Where are you?!* It would've been much more effective if the taunting in the background would cease. You growled, feeling frustrated that this has led to nothing but another dead end.

"Come on, let's end this. We've been dragging on for too long." There was nothing left to do when the objective you seek wasn't here.

"Hah how funny of you, you really think you can catch us? Let's see you try." One of them mocked, oblivious to the fact that they've been running around them in circles without any change of pattern.

Fingers already hovering over the trigger, you waited until the right moment. "You've grown predictable." You felt something whizzed by, wind prickling your right cheek.

*Gotcha* A satisfactory grin spread on your face before (BANG!!) you pulled the trigger and saw the tranquilizer lodged itself right in the heart.

Soon after, another bang resonated just behind you which you guessed Zico finished it.

"Wh-- Who are you?!" An incredulous look was plastered on one of the rugged looking thieves, the one you shot to be exact. "You're not a v--"

"No" You hissed. Just hearing the word left a bad taste in your mouth. BBC Special Forces was what it said on the badge in front of his eyes.

Quickly reporting what happened and calling for backup before turning back to the shocked face with bulging red eyes. "Now be good and experience what it is to be human for a few hours." You watched as his once bright red eyes slowly darkens, the chemical finally have worked its way into his system.

Pulling yourself up from the ground, you made your way back to the car. The car in which Zico was leaning on, gun tucked away in his belt, arms crossed with his eyes on you.

"What? Do i have something on my face?" You hopped into the passenger seat, Zico following suit on the other side.

"Can I ask what you're trying to accomplish?" He switched on the engine, hearing it roaring to life before speeding off onto the road.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what i mean. Its only been half a year since you've been in the force and you're going on investigations like a mad man" Zico peered at your silent stature in the corner of his eyes but continued. "Last time it was a murder case, this time a robbery.. I'm not complaining since you've been scratching off every suspect we have on the wanted list.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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