A Home Like You (MirxYou)

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A/N: Warning of character abuse. Super long but enjoy and please read the note afterwards, it’s important!


It was way past the time that you had promised Yuri to meet at your house to go to a new restaurant you both planned. But at the moment, that wasn’t really your first priority. If someone had asked you last week what you would be doing on a Friday night, your answer wouldn’t have been hugging someone in the hospital for fun. Nonetheless, you were holding the boy-- squeezing him to death (not literally).

Let’s go back to when it really started shall we?


The car screeched to a scary stopped in front of the school. You had opened the door way before the car had any intention of stopping. This was the third time these last two weeks, and you were sure that your Chemistry teacher wasn’t gonna have it with you again if you were late.

“Have fun honey." Your mom waved and yelled from behind you in the drivers seat.

School? Fun? Yea right. You really didn’t know if your mom understood the stuff that school does to teens at this age, but just quickly said, “Bye mom.”

You dashed into the door. It would’ve been a good idea to join track this year ‘cause right now your stamina was quickly failing you. Luckily your locker wasn’t so far away. You got your stuff and slammed it closed with less than a minute to go from the late bell.

*I can make it* You turn around to find yourself face to face to a slightly defined chest under the shirt of a guy.

You peered up to the practically way too tall person. He didn’t seem to have been paying attention either. And by the look of it, he was late too but there was no sign of urgency unlike yourself.

The guy had stepped back and you hadn’t realized that he had flinched at the impact you two share until you saw his face. His face showed a scared expression but he didn’t bother looking up from his feet.

There was a long silence in the air when you didn’t know what to say or how to say it without having him run off from you. But the longer you focused on his face you recognized that he was the kid that occasionally came to the hospital when you worked the night shift.

What was his name again? Cheol- something.. You couldn’t quite get your mind on it. You searched and remember back to all of the paper work that piled on your desk, searching for the name that matched his face.

Cheolyong. Bang Cheolyong. That’s it. You mentally pat yourself on your back.

You noticed the small hint of a purple bruise on the edge of his lips. Curiosity took over and you unconsciously reached towards his face but reeled your hand back awkwardly and snapped out of whatever dazed you were in.

Cheolyong gave you a look you couldn't quite decipher. And there it was. The one thing that kept you from not getting detention today rang; the late bell.

You jumped a bit at how loud it was when the hallway was quiet. "There goes my perfect attendance" But it wasn't like you had one before.

There was a snickered like sound coming from Cheolyong but that quickly died out. "We should get going." He didn't bother answering but just trailed next-- a few feet away from you.

Once in awhile you could feel his eyes on you. For a second or even for 30. When you flickered your way over to his, he would quickly look towards the floor or turned to looking straight again with his hands in his pockets.

When you turned into your class, you didn't know that Cheolyong would also. You wanted to question him if he had transferred in or something. But who does that halfway through the year.

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