Rainy Day With Him (SugaxYou)

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        Light drips of water tapped the window, sliding down the glass surface at its own pace. There wasn’t any sound of thunder or lightning. Just the peaceful pitter-patter sound of the rain since the early morning.

You sat at your window seat, staring out into the blueless world. Everything was gray, that’s what happens when it rains. It was one of the reasons why you didn’t like the rain. You let out a sigh, sipping on the hot chocolate that’s wrapped around your hands. As you gulped the last drop, you couldn’t help but stare out the window wondering when this weather will turn back to what it was.

Unlike the outside where cars were still whizzing by and the trees still swaying back and forth, the time in your apartment felt like it had slow down. You were alone with your thoughts, and you hated feeling alone.

In an instant, a pair of arms snaked its way around your shoulders till it connected in front of your chest. This warm familiar feeling managed to somehow always calm you down while overworking your heart instead.

“What are you doing sitting here by yourself?” A voice that tugged at your heart. It was not so deep but the crack in his voice was always oh so pleasant to hear in the morning.

“Oppa you’re up” You just had to turn your head slightly to catch the eye of one very sleepy but smiling Yoongi. “Did you sleep well?”

“Not when i woke up and you weren’t next to me” He grumbled, as much as he tried to act, he could never stay mad at you. It was also rare to hear these things from the latter, but not when he’s still drowsy.

His sudden declaration made you giggled. *He doesn’t know it, but he’s still the cutest*

“Hm, what shall we do today?” You took a minute to think but nothing was coming to mind. You were about to turn around to ask for his opinion only to notice that Yoongi was dozing off again.

“Aiyye oppa! Wake up already~” No response. So instead, you resorted to your last trick. Kiss attack.

You planted a quick peck on his nose. That didn’t work thus you move to his cheeks. And giving your last attack on his unguarded lips. He scrunched up his face in displeasure, “Mmmmm… i’m up”. But you knew deep down that he secretly likes it, though not wanting to admit it.

Yoongi peeked one eye open to see not just your beautiful features just inches from his own, but the rain was no longer falling. “Look the rain stop”.

Turning around, to your delight, it did! You jumped up, out of his arms, and almost breaking your mug. Luckily he was there to catch it.

“Come on, let’s go out!” You were hopping for joy, pulling him towards the door.

“How about we just stay in and finish that movie?”

“You’re so lazy. You want to stay in this stuffy apartment?”

“Yea” Typical Yoongi, you playfully rolled your eyes and pouted. “Pleasee, i want to get some fresh air”

It didn’t take the latter long to agree, still keeping his cold exterior up as always. But that didn’t matter. With giggles and all, you quickly dressed yourself, sometimes having to push the dilly dallying boyfriend of yours along.

“Hold on, you’re gonna catch a cold going out like that.” He scolded, but there was no malice behind it. Yoongi wrapped his gray scarf around your neck and placed the coupled beanie that you bought long ago neatly over your hair. The same black beanie that he was wearing on his head, just slightly covering the tip of his ears. You always thought that it was cute. 

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