A Day At The Zoo (SandeulxYou)

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A/N: Please read the description for this story first before reading anything! Thank you and enjoy :D


"YAY! We're at the zoo!!" You screamed and ran through the gate. The guy sitting at the ticket booth opened his door and yelled, "Agashi! Excuse me Aga---"

A tall guy with brown hair stopped the clerk. "Jwesonghamida, she's with me." He payed the guy and the clerk handed him two tickets. He ran into the zoo and found you standing in front of a lion habitat.

"Yah _______-ah! Don't ever run like that. You'll make me worry." He said, breathing heavily trying to catch his breath.

"Sandeul oppa, mian. Gwenchana?" You turned around and looked at him in concern. You took out a handkerchief that you always keep with you and started wiping the sweat that was rolling down his face. He nodded and took the cloth from you. You turned your attention back towards the animal.

"Look oppa! That lion is soo big. I thought you were tall but he's really big." You pointed to one of the male lion that was walking around. He followed the direction your finger was pointing and chuckled. "What?! I'm the biggest thing around here!" He disagreed.

"Hehe of course!" You said sarcastically and pretended to roll you eyes. Sandeul smiled, took your hand in his, and pulled you to another habitat.

Both of you walked around looking at all types of animal; ostriches, birds, monkeys, frogs, bears, deers, koala, hedgehogs, and many more. Every time you would beam brightly being easily entertained looking at all the different types of animals. Sandeul stared at your beautiful face the whole time. He didn't give a second look at the animals, but fixed his eyes towards you. He noticed how you would ooh-ed and ahh-ed at all of the cute animals, and would scrunch your face when you saw some animal that you thought looked weird and ugly (no offense to any animals).

Sandeul, still having a tight grip on your hand, guided you somewhere. "Where are we going?" you asked in curiosity since he refused to say a word.

"You'll find out when we're there. Now just be patient." He commanded. You just kept silent and followed behind him.

After walking past several place with people giving you strange looks. He stopped and turned to face you. You gave him a weird look and was about to say something but thought that it wasn't a good idea. "Close your eyes _______" Sandeul told you. He put his other hand that wasn't occupy up to shield your eyes. "Don't you dare peek missy, or you'll be in a lot of trouble."

He slowly told you where to move so you wouldn't trip. "Ready?" He asked. You nodded lightly. He slowly removed his hands from your eyes. You blinked several times to get use to the sunlight. "WAHH!" You said in astonishment.

There were balloons everywhere and roses scatter on the floor. Your eyes widen when something caught your eyes even more. "PANDA! Whoah, they're even bigger than the lions!" You pressed yourself against the save proof glass. "You did this all for me oppa?" You turned around. Sandeul was flashing you with his biggest and brightest eye smile. You ran over and hugged him tight. "Thank you! Thank you! So does that mean you're buying me that panda?"

Sandeul laughed, "Babo, of course not. But when oppa earn enough money i will." He leaned down and gave you a kiss on your forehead. He let you go so you could go back to gazing at the pandas.

You were going crazy at the sight of them. You kept waving and making up names for them like a little kid. Before long, your stomach growled letting you know you were hungry. You blush and put your hand to your stomach so it would stop but to no avail it kept growling. Sandeul tried his best not to burst out laughing but couldn't help himself. "It's not funny..." You pouted cutely, still rubbing your stomach.

"Let's go eat" Sandeul suggested and you eagerly agreed. Once again, he grabbed your hand and led you towards a grassy hill. "Picnic!" He exclaimed to no one in particular. You clapped your hand in excitement.

He lay down the soft, rainbow color blanket and ushered you to sit down. You happily obliged and sat down near one of the corner while Sandeul sat across from you. He grabbed his backpack that he had been carrying around the whole time and started taking out different types of food.

He set kimbap out nearest to you since he knew that that was your favorite. Then the small spring roll came out and was set right beside it. There was also small peanut butter sandwich, fruits (grapes, strawberries, and watermelon), pasta salad, water, cupcakes, and a side of cookies.

"Did you make all of this?" You eye every thing and was even more hungry.

"Of course, what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't! Now hurry and eat!" He said.

He waited for a reaction as you picked up a kimbap and popped it in your mouth. You smiled and mouthed "Delicious!" and held two thumbs up. He nodded, clearly proud at his cooking skill. Both of you dig in and enjoyed the food. Sandeul fed you once in a while and you fed him back. After you guys finished, you sat around; talking and joking with each other. Other people that passed you became envious at how cute you guys were as a couple. Soon it was getting dark, Sandeul started cleaning up the dishes that you guys ate. You offered to help but he wouldn't even let you touch a spoon.

Luckily, the zoo was closing late today since they were having a special event. You laid down on the blanket and stared up at the sky. You felt something moving next to you and saw that it was only Sandeul lying down.

"Oppa, the stars are out..." You said being mesmerized with them. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Sandeul took your hand and entwined them with his. He looked over at you and said, "Yea, you are beautiful"

Hearing what he had said, you turned around and looked at him. Under the stars, he was even more handsome than normal. You couldn't believe that this boy was yours. While you were preoccupied, he leaned in and stole a quick kiss from your lips. Your cheeks flushed red and you turned away from him, embarrassed.

"Th-Thanks... for today oppa" You stuttered and wanted to smack yourself because of it.

"You're too cute ______-ah" He said, giving your hand a squeeze making you blush even more.

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