The Trainee and The Sunbae (SungminxYou)

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Music blasted from the speakers in the far corner of the room. You looked at yourself in the mirror wall. Everyone was moving along with the music surprisingly well.

Since the dance practices were getting harder and harder as your debut date got closer and closer, it was starting to get tiring. Even though you guys weren't in sync, it was starting to get somewhere.

Your eyes flickered back and forth between the member's faces. All of their expression were hard as stone, focusing into the dance. Suddenly, the music shut off. Instantly, everyone collapsed onto the hard wooden floor.

Laying face down, you were trying to gasp for air to fill your lungs desperately. It felt like your legs were jelly underneath and your arm sore from all the short, and strong movements from the intricate dance.

Sweat dripped down the side of your face. You blew your bangs out of your face, but failed from it becoming wet and sticky. A towel and water appeared in front of your eyes.

You looked up to see Minah gleaming down at you. "Thanks unnie" You took the towel and dried your face, drank from the bottle, looking into the mirror to see if your face had gotten less red.

"You've gotten better, keep practicing ok? Me and the other girls are going out for something to eat. Want to come?" She offered but you just declined politely with a smile.

"I uh--" You started but someone else finished the sentence for you. "Sorry, she has plans with me" You whipped your head around to see Sungmin standing there.

Minah just gave you a look and giggled before bowing to the latter and left through the door. "Sunbae what are you doing here?" You asked, patting the area next to you signalling for him to sit down.

With his legs criss-crossed, he smile at you through the mirror, "I'm here to see my favorite dongsaeng of course"

You scoffed and puffed out your cheeks in a cute pout, "Hmph... What favorite dongsaeng?" Pretending to be clueless and continued to dry yourself.

Your side bangs stuck to your skin in a sticky mess. Good thing you had short hair or it would've been even hotter in this weather. It was true, you weren't very much like a girly girl but even so, your unnies would still make fun of how cute you are for being the maknae.

In a quick movement, Sungmin snatched the towel out from your hands. "Aigoo, do it right at least" The latter teased. Lightly, he moved his hands in a soft motion as he dried your hair.

You crossed your arms across your chest but could never feel angry towards the boy. You inwardly smiled and it felt like your heart was fluttering with joy at his actions.

Sungmin moved the towel down to your face, helping to dry the leftover sweat that was still glazed on your skin. When your eyes met, your face flushed even more (if that was even possible).

The latter cleared his throat and averted his eyes, dropping the towel into your lap. He stood up on his feet and extended his hand down to you. “I have a surprise for you~ Come on” He urged you to take his hand and you did as he pulled you up.

The both of you walked around the building carefully. Instead of taking the usual elevator down to the lobby, Sungmin guided you down the emergency exit and to the back door of the building where the staffs parked their cars.

Luckily, when you opened the door, the roof was extended out slightly that you weren't wet from the rain. "Aish... Why is it raining?! It's suppose to be sunny all day today" You whined and looked up at the sky with disappointment.

"Now what? I didn't bring an umbrella" You mumbled. Sungmin only laughed in amusement at you.

The latter removed his jacket and propped it over his head, holding the other end up so there was space for you to join.

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