My Step-Brother Is An Idol?! (UkwonxYou)

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A/N: This is my longest oneshot i have ever written so i hope you do enjoy it. Just to let you know, this is like the biggest fluff i have ever written. There isn't a lot of romance, only some hint but other than that, it's just a little sweet story.   

Also in the future, if you want me to write about a kpop idol (e.g Minho from Shinee), comment below with the idol name and the group he is in (no plot please, just idol and group name) and i'll do it since it's pretty hard for me to choose who i want to write about. I usually do it by the songs i listen to at the time i write (lol and that's not very fair is it?). 

So if you want me to write about your bias you have to let me know ;)  Speak up guys... seriously... i need people to comment. Lol thanks :)  


The CD store was blasting music in every kind of direction. You've been in the store waiting for the two best friends to finish shopping before leaving to go home. The same song had been on repeat for the past 15 minutes. You stared at the wall filled with poster of the same person with the title "Kim Ukwon New 7th Single 2012". It was a very renown song since he was a rising idol and have been popular throughout Korea.   

*This song is really popular huh... Well his voice is really nice* You thought.   

"Are you looking for Ukwon's new release?" A clerk came up and asked politely. *Ack!! A GUY!!* You jumped a bit and looked flustered."If it's for the limited edition, please queue up over there." He pointed over to a long line of squealing teenage girls that were jumping up and down, endlessly waiting to get a copy.   

"Ah... No... That is.... It's not..." You stuttered not knowing what to say. The clerk gave you a confuse look but he still had that smile on his face from before. Luckily, your friends finished and held up the bag. "_______-ah, sorry for the wait" A tall and skinny girl named Miyoung shyly smiled. You sigh and pushed both of them out as quickly as possible, not even looking back at the clerk.   

"Ahhh... That was scary..." You put a hand up to your chest and breathed in deeply, trying to calm yourself down.   

"Hahaha, he's just an employee and you're getting nervous already?" Miyoung teased. "I can't help it... In the last year, i haven't talked to a guy..." There were still a light hint of a blush on your face.   

"Heh, that's nothing. This year, the men that i have talked to are only my dad and my literature teacher!!" Miyoung yelled with your other friend, Hyunyoung, following suit. You could definitely say that Miyoung was the talkative person in the group with Hyunyoung being more on the quiet side. "Why did i enter an all-girls school..." You said to no one in particular.   

As you made your way up the stairs out from the department store, you were already reaching the busy street of Seoul and with it being late, many people were traveling or walking around. "It's alright ________, if you really want a guy then let's support Ukwon together!" Miyoung suggested and Hyunyoung nodded along with a smile. "Here, i'll give you his cd." She reached into the bag and handed you one of the cd she got from the store earlier.   

"Eh? I'm fine..." You were a bit hesitant and didn't want to accept it at first but Miyoung pushed it into your hands in the end. "No worries, me and Hyunyoung will share the other one"   

You stared up into a big sign with a poster of Ukwon in one of his photo shoot. "Ukwon... huh?" You said to yourself. *Well he does have a nice face, and he's also pretty handsome. But in the end, he's still an idol, a boy from another world* You let your thoughts wander as you gaze at the big advertising poster on the building.   

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