Sweater, Hot Cocoa, and Cuddle (KwangminxYou)

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Sweater, socks, heater, and blanket makes up everything in the winter time. It was January already, and the temperature went from manageable cold to freezing your fingers off cold by the time christmas season ended.

Cold sleet of rain falls heavily throughout the week, and there was never a sight from the bright sun like how you loved it in the spring and summer. All there was to see was gray skies and rain. What made it worse? That there hasn't been any snow at all this year.

Weathermen forecast the chance of it every week but it only put people's hopes up. The kids seemed sad with nothing to play in, no snow angels of snowman to build. Even you, as much as you hated winter, wished at least that there would be snow, no matter how small it would be.

After exactly 6 o'clock, the outside world seemed to had turned off a switched and everything seemed dark. Lambs outside by the park flickered on and off from the strong ravaging winds and even it seemed harsher on the windows as your heard it slamming hard against the glass panel.

You stood by your kitchen counter with a warm holiday sweater that you’ve gotten from your mom as a present for christmas and sweatpants that was perfectly comfortable. Along with your fuzzy socks against the hard wooden floor, you felt content.

Everything was already in place, since just a few minutes ago the hot cocoa had finished making, now you were just letting it cool while you try to find the remaining ingredient and made sure that it cooled down.

Just then, the front door clicked open and a pair of longs legs stepped in. Your thoughts were elsewhere while you poured the hot cocoa into a pair of couple mugs when you felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.

You jumped a bit, causing your hand to falter and spill the drink onto the counter a bit. “Ack!” You yelped again when two pair of hands covered your eyes. “Who am i~” The person said in a cute voice and his breath tickled your ear.

“Kwangmin oppa~ who else would have the keys to this house” You turn around and meet his wide smiling face. “Aigooo, this girl” He pinched your cheeks and you couldn’t help it if your cheeks grew slightly pink.

The latter leaned down and pecked your button nose. You giggled and turned back around and continued on your previous tasks. With his arms still around your waist, he rested his chin on your shoulder and contently watched as you finished pouring the hot cocoa. “Marshmallow please” He told you in his now normal but slight husky voice.

You dropped several amounts of the mini marshmallow. But you gasped instantly when you felt electricity shot up your spin. Kwangmin was kissing and sucking gently on the soft skin of your neck. He knew where you were most sensitive and that brought a small curve to appear on the edge of his mouth. 

He tightened his grip on you and plastered a teasing look on his face, but before he could continued with what he had in mind, you shivered and whined cutely. Kwangmin inwardly growled, but gave the nape of your neck a small peck before letting go and grabbing the two couple mugs.

Finally, you had put on the whipcream on both and was excited to catch a marathon of a movie series you’ve been waiting for all month. You quickly turned off all the lights, made your way over to your loveseat, turned on the tv, and with luck, you saw that the beginning intro had just started.

The latter made his way over and plopped down in the space available. It was a tight squeeze but you both didn’t mind the small space that much. The mugs sat on the coffee table on the side of the table. You extended your legs out onto the low coffee table in front of the loveseat and shivered. Even with the heater on, you were still freezing.

Kwangmin saw your frail body shivered and frowned. He quickly searched for the Nemo blanket that was folded into a box somewhere under the coffee table. With the blanket over the both of you, and his arms around your shoulders, the movie was finally starting.

You cuddled into his sides and felt the warmth just radiating off. You sigh and felt your heart fluttered. Being that close, you were able to hear his own also and could tell that it was beating just as fast like yours.

Both of your feet intertwined under the blanket and once in a while you sipped on the hot cocoa that you made. Even with the room so dark, the light that was coming from the tv made it possible for you to see the outline of Kwangmin’s face.

You couldn’t help but giggled when you noticed that he had a cream mustache, “Oppa~” You chirped, poking his cheeks to get his attention.

“What is it?” He teared his eyes away from the screen and looked at your beautiful face with curiosity. You held up your thumb and wiped away the mess that he created on his mouth. But before you could wipe it away, he held your hand to hold you back.

Unexpectedly, he brought your tongue up near his mouth and licked away the cream. Your face instantly turned bright red like a tomato.

*Omg, breath ________, breath! Good thing it’s dark…* You thought and tried to calm yourself.

Suddenly, out the corner of your eyes, you caught the sight of the window and saw small snowflakes falling down.

“Wah~ It’s snowing!” You pointed, but all Kwangmin really cared about right now is you in his arms and pulled you even closer. Squeezing you until you can barely breath.

He kissed your forehead, lingering longer than he should but you loved it nonetheless. Both of you spending your time together on the day where it first snowed.


A/N: it's actually shorter than what i usually write but i just love this plot so much, it's so cute and one thing is because i'm craving hot cocoa :D 

But the Exo poll results are out so please check it out in the previous chapter! Thanks soo much everyone for voting! 

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