We've Committed A Crime (KrisxYou)

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A/N: I usually don't use names for the main character but since people asked for a few of them in these request, i gladly accepted :) Enjoy guys! Summer will be here soon so i wish good luck to whoever has final exams coming up~


25. It wasn’t a bad number. However it wasn’t a great number either as it was the reason why you were standing in front of a high end nightclub instead of being at home and catching up on the shows you recorded on your dvr.

Birthdays. The one day in the whole year that you just wished to be by yourself. But you knew your best friend wasn’t going to have it. Every year, she would throw a surprise party for you and inviting every mutual friends in between. Even when you guys were little, she had planned it with your parents and invited over the neighborhood kids. Never missing any year.

Walking into the dimly lit building, you were greet with sudden bright lights and confetti fired into the air. “SURPRISE!!” You looked around, making sure that the surprise face you practice before was imprinted on your expression.

“BIANCA~ Happy birthday babe!” Gayeon, your best friend in the whole entire universe, wrapped you in her arms for a bear hug.

“Thank you, you didn’t have to do this” You smiled.

“Of course i did! Sooo..?” She stared at you for an answer to her question that you didn’t get. “Well were you surprise?!”

“Yea! Yea i really was” Even though you knew about the whole ordeal, you surely didn’t want to ruin Gayeon’s festive mood that she was in.

She pulled away as people were already joining the dance floor and partying since their task was finished. You took a minute to look around at the array of banners on the wall, quite impressed at how she was able to put this together in such a short time with everything that was going on with her wedding preparation.

“Hey there you are” That familiar, soft voice only came from one person. You turned around to face your second best friend since childhood. A small face guy with a gorgeous smile, and gentleman like personality quickly engulfed you in a hug.

“Ack! Luhan! …. I can’t-- breath!” The latter chuckled and pulled back to arm’s length, looking at you at eye level. “Happy birthday” A full on gummy smile spread up to his ears had you giddy and laughing.

You shoved his face back and jokingly rolled your eyes. Luhan slung an arm over your shoulder, guiding you over to the bar. “I can’t believe you actually came”

“Why wouldn’t i?”

“Well with everything happening at the hospital, i didn’t think you could play keeping up face to make Gayeon happy” He nonchalantly shoved an olive into his mouth from the cocktail he had ordered.

It was true that the hospital had been bustling with patients coming in and out, or just staying overnight for treatment lately. But it wasn’t like you couldn’t give up a night to go and celebrate the day of your birth. Really, it was an excuse to get some drinks into you and relieve some stress.

“She has a lot on her mind right now and the last thing she needs is knowing that i didn’t appreciate her efforts” You took a sip of your own cocktail, glancing over to the dance floor every once in a while, watching the guest that she had invited have the time of their life.

If you just had some guts to push yourself out there and let loose every once in a while. But your mind wasn’t built like that. You just couldn’t drop everything and just do whatever you wanted. Quickly, you down another drink into your system like it was gonna be the last night of your life.

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