New Beginnings Tonight 2/2 (HimchanxYou)

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A guy walked up and waved at Mindae. "_________, this is Youngguk! He owns the club here." Then another guy walked up from behind. "And this is Himchan, his bestfriend." Mindae continued.   

Your eyes widen and couldn't believe who was in front of you. *My hero!* 

The loud music drowned out around the two of you. The only thing you were able to see was Himchan and Himchan only. It was like everyone was gone from the world and you and him were left to survive together. Your breath hitched in your throat. It felt like the air was gettig thin and your lung couldn't take in anymore air. The way your heart beat just by looking at his perfect features was something you mever felt before.   

Starting from his brows down to his pointed nose and how he smiled showed the tiny visible part of his slightly chubby cheeks. Even his eyes had that intense stare but somewhat warm and comforting.   

Himchan stare as to what the heaven have granted him the wish he wanted. The angel before that he saved. He couldn't even catch your name since your beauty was enough to distract him from the whole world. Your long hair, beautiful and radiant skin shine brightly. That smile that could kill in a heartbeat. But the one thing that he couldn't tear his eyes off of you was your plum red lips. If he could, he would've crashed his lips onto yours right now but that was only a dream that wouldn't happen.   

Mindae waved her hand in front of your face. You snapped out from your trance and glared at her like a child who had just gotten her doll taken away from making you look away the perfect boy.   

"Hehe Himchan-ssi this is my best friend _________. Sorry, she doesn't usually act like this." Mindae quickly explain. She nudge you lightly, hinting you.   

You did a ninety degree bow to both Himchan and Youngguk. "Nice to see you again" Himchan did a little gesture with his finger and smiled.   

"Huh?! You guys know each other?!" Mindae gasp. She turn to you waiting for an explanation but you only gave her a i'll-tell-you-later look. She gave a weird look to Youngguk hoping he knew something about this but he also just shrugged.   

"Anyways, ________ me and Youngguk need to catch up. Since you guys know each other then you'll be fine right?" Before you could reply Mindae turn her attention towards Himchan. "I'm trusting you~"   

"Wai---" You yelled but the two was already out of sight, mixing into the crowd. "Aish... That girl never changes." You mumble to yourself and repeating in your head that you'll give her a punishment when you get home.   

Himchan's chuckle brought your attention back to him again. "Oh! Thank you for saving me before. If it wasn't for you...." Your sentence trailed off, not wanting to think what could've happened.   

He waved it away, "You sure you're ok?" You nodded and smiled, "I'm fine! Come, i'll buy you a drink as a thank you"   

Both of you sat down on the stool by the two stool left available. "Get whatever you want~ It's on the house!" You chirped. "I should be saying that. I do own this place after to Youngguk you know." He poked your forehead.   

Your face flushed from the contact. He cleared his throat when he noticed what he just did. He quickly removed his hands and awkwardly smile. Changing the topic since he didn't want the silent to make it any worse. "Don't worry. You don't have to pay for me. Order whatever you want. My treat." He said. "BOM!"   

The bartender that you had met earlier walked over greeting Himchan first before asking what both of you wanted. "My usual. What do you want ________-ssi?"  

You ponder over the menu that was hung just above the shelf of asorted drinks. "Just a sprite for me please" You innocently said. Bom came back with both of the drinks and then left to serve the other people.   

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