12 Days of Kisses 1/2 (EXO Christmas Special)

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A/N: Ahh Merry Christmas everyone! As promised, here is the christmas special to commemorate my 400 followings. I love you all, seriously, if i could i would wrap but all the boys and give them to you guys!

I'll be posting the other half of this on New Years day (there might be a delay in posting). I hope you guys enjoy! And please support my new EXO story, i'll be posting the first chapter after i finish this special :D

This was all inspired from a tumblr post. Btw, haven't checked for grammar~ Please excuse me haha. 


Winter holiday seasons are finally here. After a long, winding road of 11 months and 2 weeks of waiting, the most awaited holiday was almost upon everyone. The light snow fall throughout the week has brought your spirit up even higher than it was before.

After the school exams were over for the rest of the year and winter break started since school ended, you walked the streets with the people you love the most. Your twelve wonderful boys that you’ve grown up with.

Everywhere you looked; red and green streamers hung. Christmas songs were blasted from every shop you passed by. People were already considering and shopping for their presents for their loved ones as sales popped up one by one the closer it nears. And at the middle of the square, there stood a huge christmas tree that was always lit up brightly.

You pulled your scarf tighter around your neck when a sudden cold wind blew by, cutting your skin. It couldn’t be helped, you’ve been outside for a while since school was let out, just wandering around enjoying the snow white surroundings.

“Here” A deep voice resonate next to your ear. You whipped up to a tall figure, “Eh?”

Kris held out a hot pack in front of your face without a word. His eyes looked at you like a tiger about to pounce any minute but everything else about his face was monotone. “You’re cold right?”

“________-ah, you’re cold?” Lay angel like voice alerted you to his direction. The latter took off one of his stringed mitten and put it on one of your hand, intertwining his with yours in the process.

“Hyung! Why do you get to hold hand with noona!” Kai whined wanting to take the other side, only to have Kris and Luhan quickly pulled him back. “Other hands mine” Luhan declared with a pout.

He desperately wanted to grab it but instead of having his warm hand against yours, Sehun ended up dragging him away to a nearby shop, getting over excited for a new toy he saw on the window display. You looked at Lay humming to a christmas carol song silently while swinging your hand back and forth.

Lay really enjoyed taking care of people, especially you. With that wide smile on his face, no wonder girls were always smitten by him. Then your eyes landed on the person that have been quiet all this time.

The said boy with his ruffled hair and blank face, still held the hot pack in his hand. “Oppa” You called out. Kris looked down on your small height, but a small corner of his lips twisted upward looking at your cute and adorable, innocent eyes. His heart skipped a beat.

Wanting to hide his smile and look away so that you wouldn’t see his blushing face, but instead he ended up smiling even more when you decided to take the hot pack from his hand. “Thanks oppa” You smiled and he returned it with a pat on your head like a little kid that just got their candies.

“Wahh~~ It’s falling down hard now!” Chanyeol and Chen ran ahead and started twirling around like idiots. Not soon after, Tao joined them with his hands outstretched, flying like a plane towards his hyungs.

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