Turtle Mayhem (YesungxYou)

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A/N: Just so you know, Yesung have three turtles. Youngest name is Ttangkkomi, second oldest is Ttangkkoming, and oldest is Ttangkkoma.  

I hope i didn't take too long. Thanks for requesting! Please leave some feedback below :)  


Bright lights shine through the open curtians that he forgot to close last night. Yesung groaned and hid his head under the soft pillow. But with the birds chirping outside, it was quite impossible to fall asleep. He sheepishly cracked open one if his eyes to look at the clock. His groans turn into an irritated sigh when he saw that it was only eight.   

Chucking a pillow at the window, he hoped that it somehow was gonna magically close the blinds for him but that failed. He slowly opened his eyes and a smile instantly appeared on his face, replacing that frustrated frown.   

Laying in front of him was your angel-like face. Your chest evenly raised up and down as you breath in air. His finger lightly hovering above your silky smooth skin as it slowly trail down starting from your brows, to nose, then lastly to your plump red lips. He leaned in, giving you a light but long kiss on your temple.   

Your eyes flutter open from the touch. For a few seconds you didn't know where you were. But a familiar hand and touch reached out to curl a piece of stranded hair that could only give you a jolt of electricity. You were in Yesung's warm arms. The end of your mouth curved up into a smile knowing how lucky you were to be marry to this adorable man.   

"Morning babe~" Yesung sang and pulled you closer. You rest your head on his chest. Your finger tracing random shapes on his gray shirt.   

"Morning oppa" You groggily said. It was obvious that you weren't much of a morning person by the way your voice cracked with every word. "Did you dream about me?" Yesung curious asked. Peering at your tired, but still flawlessy beautiful face.   

You giggled and sheepishly rubbed your eyes. You let out a yawn before shaking your head. "Nope! I dreamt about Chisung~" You stuck out your tongue and giggled.   

He lightly pushed your head and purposely messed up your hair. "Aigoo~ My wife love her children more than her husband" Yesung pretended to put a sad face on but just ended up laughing at his own poor attempt. "Oppa i think it's best to stick with singing." You teased, mocking his bad acting.   

In a swift movement, he skillfully flipped you over so your back was pressed against the matress while he hovered above. "Punishment time!" He smirked and you seem to know that look all too well. "Op--" But you cut your sentence short when he attacked your neck. Sucking and lightly biting on your sensitive areas. "Oppa! Not so early in the morning!" You begged but that wouldn't stop him.   

You had to bit your lips to stop any moans from escaping as he trailed down towards your collar bone, until....   

"UMMA! APPA!" Your five years old son, Chisung, barged into the room. Both of your head whipped towards the door looking at your confuse son. "Dad why are you on top of mommy?"   

"We were just playing honey" You explained. "I want to play tooo!" You pushed Yesung off to the side as Chisung hopped onto the bed and into your arms.   

"How did my adorable son sleep?" You gave him a kiss on his nose making him giggle. He snuggled closer in your arms and just nodded. "Mommy can you make pancakes for breakfast?" He cutely asked.   

"Of course! Give me a kiss before we get you wash up" You pointed to your cheek and he shyly kissed it. You glance over to Yesung who were just pouting. You giggled and then pointed at him, "Chisung give daddy a kiss too" Your son ran over and kissed him. Yesung instantly gleamed and ruffled Chisung's hair.   

"Can you wash him oppa?" Yesung nodded and picked up Chisung, carrying him on his shoulder towards the bathroom. You walked into the kitchen and started getting the ingredients to make breakfast.   

Chisung soon ran out seconds later hugging your leg. "Mommy i wanna help~" You lifted him so he he was able to sit on the kitchen counter. "My boy wants to cook? Aigoo how cute" You cooed. "You know how to crack an egg right?" He nodded and picked up the egg sitting next to the bowl.   

You were about to put the flour in the mixer until a loud scream filled the house. "CHIYO-YAH!! HAVE YOU SEEN TTANGKKOMI?! He's gone!!" Yesung scramed. You shook your head, "Be careful Chisung-ah, mommy will be right back!" Taking your apron off you made your way towards your weird husband.   

Upon entering the room where you guys had kept the turtles and your one year old son, Jooyoung, you saw Yesung trying endlessly to talk to the others turtle but they only ended in ignoring him.   

"Don't worry, hyung will find your brother!!" Yesung confidently said but really he was still freaking out inside.   

"Oppa~ Whats wrong? Whats this about Ttangkkomi being missing?" You asked. "It's a tragedy!! Chiyo what am i suppose to doo!! Kkomi is gone! Poor baby... It never got a chance to see the world" You listened as he blabber on and on about his turtle.   

"Oppa you try and find him. I'm sure he'a around here somewhere. I need to go check on Chisung ok?" You encouragingly pat his back and with a kiss on his cheek before walking back out and into the kitchen.   

Chisung was still on the counter, playing with the mixing bowl. You smiled at how cute he was. "Umma! Why was daddy yelling?" He curiously asked. You laughed and waved your hand around, "Nothing at all. Don't worry about it honey" You reassured him.   

Since you knew that Chisung loved the turtles also, you didn't want him to start worrying. Like father like son. You poured in the enough amount of flour into the mixer with the eggs from before. Then adding the melted butter.  

Suddenly, Yesung ran out from the room. But when he saw Chisung, he pretended to be calm but still flipped the whole kitchen and living room upside down looking everywhere for the whereabouts of the tiny turtle. Under the couch, hidden in one of the cupboards, inside the refridgerator, in the micowave, and even checked under the sink. Then he frantically ran into the bedrooms and bathroom. You couldn't help but laugh.  

After a few more minutes when you were about to poor the mixture of pancakes into the frying pan, Yesung burst into the kitchen having a fit. "Oppa! What happened now?" You walked over and wrapped your hand around his waist so he could calm down a bit. "He's gonee Chiyo-yah~ Ttangkkomi is gone." A tear strolled down his cheek. You shushed him, wiping it away. "Hey hey, oppa don't cry. We'll hold an official funeral for him ok? I know you loved him very much" He just quietly nodded.   

"Daddy! Why are you crying?" Once again, your curious son questioned. "Chisung-ah. Sorry. Appa lost Kkomi." Yesung croaked.   

"I know where Kkomi is!" Chisung said and jumped of the counter, running into Jooyoung's room. Yesung perked up immeadiately, running right behind his son. Chisung pointed to the crib where Jooyoung was laying. Yesung gave you a strange look. You shrugged and came over to check.   

Jooyoung and Ttangkkomi was soundly sleeping together in the crib. "Ohh now i remember! I left Kkomi here after tucking in Jooyoung yesterday" Yesung recalled what he did. He carefully picked up the turtle and place it back to its place next to it's older hyung. "Babo oppa. Aigoo~ you love the turtles more than you love your wife" You teased.   

He faked a gasp, "Of course not!! I love you soo much more!" You giggled. Yesung leaned in, crashing his lips onto yours. It was intended to be a long sweet kiss but that was not going to happen with a five year old kid standing in the room.   

"Ewww!! Mommy and daddy are doing something bad!!" Chisung clamped his hands over his eyes. Yesung and you pulled away and all three of you laughed like a happy family. 

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