Forgotten Anniversary (JonghyunxYou)

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The blaring noise erupted from the alarm clock. Muffling groans and annoyed mumbling as you had fumble around the bed table trying to find the small object so it would shut up. Finally, peace and quiet again. You sighed and sunk back into your comfortable bed. Wanting to pull the covers back over your head but hesitated with the thought of today.   

Your mind were mostly still crowded with thoughts of sleep. Shaking your head, you tried to get the idea out of your head. Good thing today the sun was shining brightly through your window. You shielded your eyes from the blinding light and forced yourself to get up using your two arms to push your upper body up.   

Allowing your feet to dangle from the mattress before letting them melt into the soft, warm carpet. Walking over to the window, you opened the curtain wide. *Wah~ Today's so pretty* You stretched your tired muscle and yawned loudly as the sun reflected across your face.   

Nonchalantly walking into the empty and lonely kitchen in the morning seemed chillier than usual. A quick glanced at the calendar that was on the wall near the fridge. Today's date was circled in big red marker. Excitement was already bubbling up.   

Since it was such a special day, you decided to whip up a more extravagant breakfast than normal. Waffles and pancakes covered in fruits and syrup. A glass of extra warm milk, water, some toast with jelly. Topping it all off with a cute note that was set in the middle of the tray.   

"Noona. What are you doing?" Your cute baby brother whispered by your feet. You crouched down and tapped his cute button nose. Minseok giggled. "I'm making breakfast. When did you wake up mister?!"   

He shyly held up 5 fingers indicating 5 minutes ago, but ended up quickly putting it back down. "Haha alright my littledino. Wanna come with me to wake up oppa?" Minseok nodded and walked along behind your legs like he was hiding from something.   

You knocked on the door before opening it slightly, peering inside, "Oppa..." Your voice trailed off seeing him sleeping like a cute little baby on the bed.   

You settle the tray down on the bedside table. Leaning down, you stared at his handsome features. Really, you couldn't believe such a magnificent looking person would be yours. You blew cold air onto his eyelids. The latter stirred slightly but was still deep in slumber.   

"Oppa~ Wake u--" You didn't get to finish the sentence when he pulled you down so both of your faces were only centimeters away.   

"Morning my adorable bunny" He smiled that gummy but half asleep smile of his. "Where's my good morning kiss?" His lips were already puckered. You merely giggled and shook your head at his silliness. You gave him a peck just for his satisfaction and he finally raised himself off the bed.   

Then when the latter's sleepy eyes opened, he grinned seeing Minseok standing alone in front of his bed. "Minseokkie~ Come here little dino" Jonghyun purred. Minseok wholeheartedly agreed and hopped onto the bed. "How did you sleep last night?" Jonghyun asked, fixing the younger one's hair. Minseok did a small nod.   

"Oppa, here. I made breakfast in bed for you today" You moved the tray over to him and allowed it to stand firmly on the bed. He stared at all of the food that was in front of him. Normally, you would never make this much and he even knew it.   

You watch his every move as his hands reach for the note in the middle. He flipped it open and a smile spread across his face. A beam was returned to you when he looked up from the note, "What's with all of this? Is there something special happening today?" Jonghyun cocked his head over to the side with curiosity clearly imprinted on his expression.   

*He doesn't remember?!* This was a first. For the past two years you've guys been dating, he had never once forgotten a special occasion. Now at the end of the three year marking, it had slipped his mind that today was your anniversary. Your previous smile disappeared and was replaced with a frown but tried not to make it noticeable. Jonghyun didn't miss seeing your sad expression though.  

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