Hunger for Perfection (BaekhyunxYou)

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A/N: I'm sorry it's so late, i've actually written this but never finished it before my 2 months of absence. I hope you like it? It was a bit rushed but i always promised to post this on your birthday but i guess a month early is fine? ;u; Love you darling <3


Low music vibrated throughout the club. A small bass rhythm kept Baekhyun's foot tapping against the floor for the past 10 minutes. The Ivy Club. The most exclusive club standing in Hollywood. It was never open early, probably the beginning of midnight's when the door are unlocked, allowing anyone inside. Anyone that wants a high exhilarating night.

Standing in the middle of the dance floor, in his own Master Suite, was a ballerina. Last night it was someone specialized in samba dancing.

It was amusing watching her as she tried to dance according to the music playing below the balcony. Her feet sometimes tangling with one another as she hesitates, not familiar with the style and music. Sometimes, occasionally glancing at Baekhyun to see if she was doing it right. But he never comments.

His eyes scan the club just below the balcony. Seeing waves of body intertwining with each other. His lips curled into a smirk, loving the sound... More like screams of joy emiting off of everyone.

He turned back to the girl currently still dancing in front of him. With a wave of a finger, he called her over. A rush of excitement flowed through her, as shown on her face. Even though she was smiling, her eyes were blank, like anyone who comes into the club would act. That's what the mist would do to you.

The ballerina settled herself over him, cradling him as she wrapped her hands around his neck. "Mmm snack time," Baekhyun whispered before baring his fangs open, sinking into the flesh on her neck.

Blood spilling into his mouth is when he knew he punctured a vein perfectly. It needs good practice, and the latter did receive a ton over the past few centuries. The girl was a moaning mess above him. The venom we vampire give off tends to do that.

But after a good minute, he retracted his fangs, pushing the girl out the door and down to the club scene.

"Kai!" Baekhyun spatted.

"What? I'm busy here" Kai's word ranged in his ear. Baekhyun caught glimpses of the latter at the bar and in a few seconds all the way across at the dj.

"I told you not to bring middle class blood, ugh that one tasted horrible" Baekhyun could still taste the bitterness of it lingering in his mouth.

"Hehe," Kai chuckled, "Now will you give me a raise?"

"I gave you a raise two nights ago!"

"No raise no high class blood!" And with that the latter cut off communication.

Baekhyun growled. He would make his way down stairs at that moment to blow off steam but a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

The door swung opens to three girls standing in the hallway. Three blank eyes, smiles on their lips, and the smell of high class blood swimming in the air. *This is gonna fun* Baekhyun thought, ushering them inside.

"Hey! Sooyoung would you at least slow down and tell me where we're going?!" You could barely catch up with her dressing you up in such a skimpy dress and high heels.

You felt utterly uncomfortable with the contacts in your eyes replacing your glasses. *How the hell do girl's walk in these things?!*

"Come on, i'm gonna leave you behind if you keep tripping over your own foot!" Sooyoung screamed, nonetheless she wrapped her arm around yours, holding you up.

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