The Boy Next Door (KeyxYou)

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14th. February 14th. Do you know what today is? The worst holiday that was ever invented.

For every couple, it was a wondrous day. A day where they could show their love and affection towards one another. Hugs were seen everywhere, accompanied with kisses here and there. Exchanges of love back forth from their special ones.

For you though? Today was a miserable day. No love for you to be around in a new town, a new place. It all seemed too strange. It had been a year since you moved and you still weren’t used to the new town by yourself.

You wish you could just crawl back into bed and sleep until the next morning, but unfortunately, you had plans. With an exasperated sigh, you dragged yourself out of bed.

It felt like your feet were weighing you down. It was impossible to even lift a toe on the hard, cold tile floor that was your bathroom.

You managed to crack open an eyelid to take a look at how horrible you looked this morning. Your hair was like a big bird’s nest and your face seemed to have bloated from your late night snacks.

Stifling incoherent words, you started to wash yourself up for the day. Groaning, you walked downstairs into the empty kitchen.

Making your way towards the calendar that was on the wall, you stared at today’s date with sadness in your eyes. You gulped and could feel yourself choking up and tears forming. *I miss you....*

You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. After allowing yourself to calm down and fix your composure, you opened the fridge. *Hmm... what to make?*

Scanning the area before taking out several ingredients, with puffed cheeks, you stretched your hands with determination. Not even before you could pick up the knife, the doorbell rang.

*Aish.. who is it this early?!* You cursed but ran to get the door.

Looking through the peephole, you slightly smiled seeing a bundle of blond hair. You quickly wiped it away and opened the door.

“Morning~” The person said in an adorable english accent. You cracked up slightly and returned his greetings with a wave. “Can i come in? It’s cold!” He said in korean, dramatically rubbing his arms while jumping up and down.

You rolled your eyes at the drama queen-- more like king, and stood back to let the boy in. “Morning” You signed, mouthing the word but no sound came out.

The person looked at your hands and easily understood what you wanted to say. “What are you doing here?” You signed again but this time, he gave you a puzzled look. Sighing inaudibly, you quickly ran over to your couch that had a notepad on it and scribbled the question.

“Well i was wondering if you wanted to do so--” He started but got interrupted by the hand motion of you tell him to zip it.

“Not today Key, I’m busy” You wrote and gave him an apologetic look.

The latter frowned slightly and you couldn’t help but notice it. Somewhere deep inside, you knew that you didn’t want the boy to leave. Especially not on the one very day that made  you feel so lonely.

*Maybe it’ll be fine to have him here?* The thought ran across your mind. You’ve known Key since the moment you moved into the town and into your newly owned home.

He was in fact your next door neighbor and even pitched in to help you move in. You learned, over the months that you just started living here, that he lives with his grandmother (with no parents to take care of him just like yourself).

He had also learned that you were a mute and even went far enough to take classes on sign language so he could talk to you more easily .

You looked at the yearning in his expression and had no choice but to give up. Flipping to the next page, you wrote, “Fine... stay, but help me cook” You exchanged a deal.

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