New Beginnings Tonight 1/2 (HimchanxYou)

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 A/N: Just a warning for language and other things. But don't worry, no smut or anything. The song i posted on the side is what insprired me to write this. It'll actually be a twoshot so look forward to the second half of this :D 


July 8th was the date that was shown on your digital calendar on your phone. It have been exactly one month since that horrid incident happened. You weren't the same since.

You spend your day lazying around the house that you and your best friend share. It was already summer time and the college let you out for the 3 months break. You would rather be in school than doing nothing at home since you didn't have a job. Anything would be fine to distract you from that memory that still lingers in your head.  

The TV flashed through different channels as your hand limply laid on the remote. Your face was blank and your eyes weren't paying attention to anything that was happening on the television screen.

The front door clicked open and the person dropped their stuff by the kitchen on the way in before walking over to the living room. If it had been someone else that had seen you in this state, they would've thought you were dead, but not your best friend.   

Mindae stood in front of your lying figure with her hands on her hips. "YAH PARK ____________! HAVE YOU BEEN LAYING THERE ALL DAY?!" She shouted as loud as she could. The sounding of the neighbor's dog barking next door let you know that she was seriously mad. You snapped out of your trance and turned off the TV and raised yourself up from your laying position.   

"Aish.... Minny... My eardrums and everybody else in the neighborhood is probably broken." You joked and rubbed your ears. Mindae laughed, still surprised that even in your depressing state, you could still joke about the little things.   

She jumped on the couch with her leg crossed facing you. "Hey i have an idea. Why don't we go out and have some fun? And by we i mean you."

You quickly shook your head to the idea. "No i'm not in the mood." You replied.

"Oh come on _______-ah~ You're never in the mood anymore since that bastard did that to you." Mindae cursed under her breath. She knew clearly what he did to you and how it affected you the day after. She wouldn't let that happen again.   

"It's been a month. Let just go out and celebrate like old times... pweasee? For me?" She made a cute puppy dog face hoping that it would change your mind. You paused for a moment to think about the idea.

*Should i? It has been a long time since me and Minny hung out...* You glance at your best friend again and burst into laughter but nodded your head in agreement.  

"YAYY!! Let's go! Get dress _________ cause this will be the best night of your life! I guarantee it!" Mindae pumped her fist in the air and did a little victory dance. You look at your friend and shook your head, "You such an embarrassment Minny..." You teased and ran upstairs into your room before she could do anything.   

You searched your cluttered closet for something decent to where. But then you remembered that Mindae didn't tell you exactly where you two were going. You opened your door and yelled down the hallway making sure she could hear, "I don't know what to wear!!"   

"Just wear a pretty dress you can dance in!" Mindae shouted back, sounded like she was in her own room changing. "We're going to a club?!" You yelled back but you already knew the answer without her replying.

You scanned your closet trying to find a decent dress to wear. You grabbed the first thing that looked appealing to your eyes and quickly put it on. You applied a light layer of makeup and strap on your black, two inch heels that was laying on the floor that matched the dress.   

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