Stalker Alert (ZicoxYou)

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"Look who it is..." Someone whispered in the distance.

"Who is she?"

"You don't know? It's ________... I heard she never talks" The same two girl whispered back and forth. It was clear that they thought you weren't able to hear a word.

You groaned inaudibly. Kneeling down, you took the beverage that you had bought from the machine. Before leaving for your class, you turned to the girls and gave them a hard glare. They both winced and bolted in the other direction.

A triumph smile spread on your face. It was small, but just enough for you to be able to feel that it was there. You patted yourself on the back.

*Good job ________!* You told yourself.

It was true. You hated girls like that. The kind that gossip and spread rumors behind someone's back. Or just talk bad about people overall. It felt even more personal when someone was gossiping about you. Always bringing back bad memories. But it happens frequently everyday.

You were known as the "loner" or the "anti-social" girl. But you didn't mind. You chose to appear like this to the school. To everyone. You never really trusted anyone since middle school and never had any real friends. But all of that was perfectly fine.

You sipped on your drink as you settle yourself in your chair, waiting for class to start. Your eyes scanned everyone in the room. Watching the girls laugh and giggle with each other and playing around with each other's hair.

To be honest, you envied them. How they were able to make friends and put their trust in them so easily. You wanted to do the same, but your cowardness and fear held you back.

Class started like normal with the teacher having to yell at everyone to be seated in their assigned seat. You picked up your pencil and got ready for the long hour speech he always give everyday.

Whispers and murmurs bounced around with some girls giggling once in a while, and the guys snickering in the background. You sigh but kept up a straight face.

You let your mind wander as you stared outside the window. Using your hand, you allow your head to rest comfortably on your palm. You gazed at the clouds as they passed by, nonchalently like there was no worries in the whole world.

*Why couldn't i be a cloud?* You wished. Just watching them made you feel warm and fuzzy inside already. Your muscles that were previously tensed, relaxed.

Your thoughts trailed to nothing in particular until a loud voice brought you back to earth. You jumped a bit in your seat at the sudden-ness and whipped your head over to your teacher's way.

*Oh no, what now* You gulped and looked at his hard expression.

"Class is over Miss Park..." He tapped his feet impatiently and clucked his tongue. Your eyes widen and quickly gathered your stuff into your bag.

Shuffling stuff like there was no tomorrow, you almost tripped over your feet getting out of your seat. Giggles and snickers sounded from the back of the room.

You hid your face behind your bangs and fled out of the door as quickly as possible. Not caring if you dropped anything or bumped into anyone.

Speaking of bumping, your shoulder make contact with another. Practically knocking the other person back with shock. You looked back to see that it was just a couple of popular kids roaming around.

"Who was that?" You overheard the guy you had bumped into asked.

"Don't worry, she's a nobody. Doesn't even talk" His friend replied.

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