Devil's Whisper (SuhoxYou)

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School has already ended with the classroom empty. You gaze out the big window that was next to your desk. One hand pressed against the glass and the other you rested your head on. Your gaze fixed on another building just situated a little bit across and lower from where you were. Through the window you observed the school president, Kris, and his lover; the nurse, Ms. Jang.   

The truth was that watching them filled up the emptiness in your life. Being able to see his smiling face as he hold up a book that he was barely looking at, but was more focus on his lover's face. You were only able to see the outline of her pointed nose and smile from the curtain that was hiding her.   

Suddenly, two hands were placed from both side, trapping you in. You didn't notice the presence until a low voice spoke up by your ear barely audible, "You're staring quite intently. Do you like that boy?" Your eyes widen and glanced around to see a tall guy with a brown hair. He had a smile on his face but even so his hard eyes seem to pierce into your soul. "Should i tell you how to destroy their relationship? A teacher in a relationship with a student -- how shameless. Leaking the relationship would end it, don't you think?" He continued talking despite the weird position that you were in.   

" Who are you?" You asked with a scared expression and shaky voice.   

"I'm something like a devilish monster." He pushed himself off from the ledge and stood up straight looking taller than before, "Though i wonder if i'm more of a monster than a devil." There was that careless grin again on his face.  

The devil appeared.  


Next morning at the lockers, you were getting your books and journal for the day, putting them in your bag. But the event from yesterday was still fresh in your mind. *What was that? Was he teasing me?* an anxious feeling made your body shutter. Your best friend swung an arm around your shoulder and pulled you over to her side. "Good~ morning ________-ah! What's been bothering you?" She asked with concern in her voice. She felt your forehead just to make sure that you didn't catch a fever.   

You wiped her hands away and smiled, "Morning, ahh i'm fine" Both of you started walking through the hallway. "Say Hyunyoung..." You started. "Yeah?" "Do you know a tall, skinny boy with brown hair?"   

She perked up when you started talking about boys, "There are a lot of guys here to fit that description." 

Hyunyoung stopped in her tracks and pointed over to a group of girls surrounding what seems to be one guy. But you could tell from afar that the guy was the same from before because of his height making him stand out. "Do you mean like him?" Girls were fawning all over him but he didn't seem to mind from that grin that was always plastered onto his face.   

"Wah~ ________ is that the type of guys you're into?" Waving your hands in the air, you quickly objected. "NO! Absolutely not!" Good thing Hyunyoung missed your red, blushing face.   

"That's Kim Suho. He's in the grade lower than we are." She informed you. "He's younger?!" You shockingly asked. Couldn't believe your ears. "Because of his handsome face and height he stands out from the crowd. There isn't a girl at school that doesn't know him. He's that popular."   

Not even knowing it, your eyes gaze over to where he was standing, deep in thought. *So his name is Suho. Even though he's handsome on the outside, it's totally black on the inside* You thought remembering what he said yesterday.   

Suddenly Suho eyes flickered behind him and both of your eyes met. You jumped, startled, and felt like your heart leapt out from your chest. Not knowing what to do, you hurried Hyunyoung and pushed her away from the screaming girls, "C-Come on, let's hurry and get to class."   

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