A Changed Man (GongchanxYou)

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September, the month when trees shed their leaves, to get ready for the three cold months of winter. It was like the world was turning a new leaf and waiting for spring to come. Gongchan always hated this time of the month. He hated how it rained everyday, how the fallen leaves always stick to his shoes when he walked, how the weather was no longer warm, and especially how people still manage to put a smile on their face and looked so happy even through the horrible weather of the outside world. He hated it.   

Maybe it was just how he was raised. Living in the States for most of his life, he was so used to the sunshine and warm weather. Only when he turned twelve, he moved back to Korea. Meeting his friends was the only thing that could bring happiness to him during this time period. But, that was six years ago...   

September the 6th was the day, the day Gongchan would never forget. He was working at the bakery that his hyung owns. It was a normal day, like any other. His hyungs running in and out of the kitchen and screaming their heads of about how the order was wrong but it tasted perfectly fine to him. It was then, at exactly nine o'clock at night Gongchan was mopping the floor and getting ready for everything to be put away and close the shop. But when you walked through the door, it was like the world just got brighter.   

All of his worries, stress, and hatred towards the month September was gone. Disappeared like a snap of a finger. You and your two friends walked in and sat down by the table farthest away from the door. He could clearly hear them talking about how they forgot to get a cake for your birthday. One of his hyung came out to take some orders and brought back some delicious cupcake that was the special of the day.   

But all of that didn't matter to Gongchan. All he cared about was that he learned your name was Miyoung, that you went to his school, and specially it was your birthday. It really was like fate. But that was long ago...  

A year later, Gongchan was sitting on the stool behind the cash register. It was already past twelve o'clock. The date? September 6th. It was a total mess in the shop even though it was too late for any customer to come in. Luckily, the shop won't be open tomorrow either so they have all day to clean.   

"My little dongsaeng~~ Come here..." His oldest hyung, Jinyoung, motioned his hand in a 'come' motion. But even so, Gongchan didn't move from his seat, totally blocking everything out when the party ended. Only when the older one wrapped his arms around Gongchan's neck, "Give your hyung a kiss Channie~~" Jinyoung puckered his lips and started making kissing noises.   

"I told them not to let him drink. He's always like this after just one glass." Shinwoo pulled the drunken Jinyoung from the back of his shirt, dragging him into the kitchen.   

Then two other people walked up. One was named Baro, whom slung his arms over Gongchan's shoulder, and the other was Sandeul.   

"What's wrong Channie? Didn't enjoy the party?" Baro asked. Gongchan snapped out of his dazed and quickly shook his head. He didn't want to seem like a bad dongsaeng to his hyung, dazing out on his birthday. "Of course not hyung~" Gongchan forced a cheerful smile.   

Sandeul ruffled his hair and meekly smiled, "Eyy don't lie. Didn't we taught you better than that?!" He knew that Sandeul was teasing but just couldn't muffle up a giggle or even a grin with all the thoughts going through his head.   

"Sorry Baro hyung... It's ju---" Baro interrupted with a gentle and understanding voice. Something you barely hear from a childish person like he was. "Don't stress over it. I know tomorrow's Miyoung's birthday, you have a lot going on." He pat Gongchan's back and Sandeul ruffling his head afterwards, they both walked back over to where the mess was and started cleaning.   


Forcing himself to wake up, Gongchan lazily rolled out of bed. He got a quick look of himself from the small mirror that was hung on the wall. His eyes were bloodshot red and his hair was sticking out all over the place. He dragged himself into the bathroom and quickly but carefully cleaned up for the morning. After a few splash of water, he finally was able to open his eyes. Grooming his hair into a decent look, he got dressed into the clothes he laid out last night.   

Today was the day. The day he have been waiting for a year and it's finally here. Everything he had planned or wanted to plan was going to happen today. Today, he was going to make sure it was something that you won't forget. 


A/N: Hey guys. Well i'm back! First off i want to say sorry for haven't been able to write or upload anything. I've been busy and had no time or no inspiration to write. But since i felt a bit empty without it, i'm glad to say i'm back! :D

Secondly, if you guys have noticed, i've taken off the request page for oneshots. I feel like i won't have time for that anymore. Don't worry, once in a while when i have time like a little break, i'll post up something saying you can request. But for now because of school i've taken it down.

But thank you to all of you reading and that you guys stuck with me even though i barely write anymore! Please leave some feedback :) 

**UPDATE** Sorry, i decided to abandon this oneshot since i coudn't think of anything else to add. But don't worry, another oneshot will be updated soon!

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