Jealous Teddy (ZeloxYou)

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A/N: Hey guys, before reading please do check out my new story, The Flower Girl Next Door ft. Daehyun from B.A.P :) Enjoy


The one thing Zelo hated the most was taking long plane rides. An hour or 2 at most was perfectly fine, but after about 4 he would always start feeling nauseous. He pushed his sunglasses up that were hiding his tired eyes from not being able to get proper sleep during the 1 month of the concert tour.

This time it was to Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. He grin when remembering how many people came to see him, but felt a bit relief that he was getting his long break after so many promotions after promotions.

Even though it was only a week, it felt like summer vacation to him. Bliss happiness. His heart thudded thinking about how much time he would be able to be with you.

He tightened his grip on the backpack on his lap that held the earring that he bought when he visited Thailand. It had a red ruby that represented your birthstone which was encrusted around with silver.

The last time he spoke to you was 2 days ago when you were both able to video chat in his hotel room. Oh how he yearned to hear your voice.

Somehow, his hand unconsciously dig into his pocket for the cell phone but remembered he had asked one of the attendant to charge it for him.

With a sigh he brushed one of the stranded hair out of his face and leaned back in his chair. Then the P.A system turned on with the voice of the captain from the sound of a "ding!".

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Incheon International Airport where the local time is approximately 9pm. Please remain seated with your seat belts buckled until the captain has pulled into the gate and turned off the fasten seatbelts...”

Zelo zoned out as the voice trailed off into long list of directions and ending with a thank you at the end. He was way too jetlagged already, and was just wanting to go home and eat such a bad thing? At the thought of food, his stomach growled so loud that he was embarrassed to lift up his head to see if anyone noticed.

“Excuse me sir”

He jerked his head up so fast that he thought his neck was about to break. But then realized it was the same attendant as before. “Your phone’s finish charging” She held the phone out on her two palms as a polite gesture.

“Thank you” And with that she left with a smile.

The plane finally descended after 10 more minutes of flight. Zelo quickly made his way out, happier than before when he smelled fresh air. He got his luggage, grabbed a pack of kimbap from a nearby shop, and made his way out to the parking lot where the company car was situated.

“Himchan sunbaenim!” He looked at the older latter in shock when he jumped into the passenger seat. “What are you doing here?”

“Zelo-yah, you like the car?” Himchan, with a smirk on his face, patted the steering wheel looking proud by himself. Zelo just rolled his eye at the narcissistic he calls his hyung and urged him to get going.

“Aish.. not even appreciating that i came here to pick you up” Putting the clutch into drive, Himchan pulled out into the road with a cautious dongsaeng by his side. “Why so tense LoLo?”

“Hyung, i’m not a kid”

“You are in my eyes” He chuckled and gave him his infamous wink that all the girls fall for.

Zelo ignored it knowing how perfectly well the older person was. “Are you sure we’re not gonna crash?”

Himchan gasped, and feigned wiping away a tear on his cheek, “I’ve been driving for a month now if you’re happy to know!!”

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