Thanks For Traveling With Air China (HunHan & SandeulxYou)

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A/N: Just for a warning, this does have Yaoi so please don't read if you're not suppose to. Yes i know, very bad ending. I just didn't know what to do with the ending. Hehehe~~ 


Rushing down the aisle, people were running all around trying to get into their seats or putting their stuff back into their suitcases. Voices coming from everywhere possible. Moms calming down their kids and babies and trying rush them back to their seats.   

Luckily, you were perfectly peaceful with your earphones plugged, and music blasting. You stared out your window. It was currently visable since it was only an hour difference going from China to Korea. You rest your head your hand and sigh. "Excuse me, miss?" The stewardess said. The words muffle in between with your music but you didn't think much of it.   

"Uh... Excuse me?" You felt something poking on your shoulder. Your neck turned and saw that is was the handsome guy who had been sitting with you for 6 hours. You quickly straighten yourself out and cleared your throat.   

"Yes?" Your voice came out in a soft tone, unlike your usual loud and violent one. Then you noticed the stewardess staring straight at you and connect the two together. "Ohh! I'm sorry, my music was bla-- Uh... Yes?"   

"I'm just going around to collect trash. Are you done with your drink? We're about to land soon." She informed but kept eyeing the cup like she was on her mission to get it or she'll be fired.   

You picked up the cup that was still half filled with water that you didn't bother finish drinking. Suddenly, the plan jerked downward making you loose your grip and the cup went flying towards the passenger sitting next to you. He jumped and inaudibly groaned at the wet water soaking into his jeans.   

"OMO!" The stewardess clamped her hand over her mouth. You handed her the now empty so it was out of the way before your clumsy self make another mess. After that, she just ran away with the cup in her hand leaving you to deal with what just happened.   

"I'm soo sorry. Are you ok...?" Your sentence trailed off as you were lost in your thoughts. *I can't believe i spent 6 hours next to this gorgeous boy but i didn't even have the time to ask for his name*    You guessed that he knew what you were waiting cause he replied saying, "Oh hi, i'm Luhan. And you are?"   

*Luhan... What a perfect name* You were lost with his features. You couldn't believe that a guy would have such flawless and shiny skin like he did.   

Regaining your senses back, the thought of you spilling water on him instantly came back. "I'm Hyunyoung, nice to meet you." You quickly said and apologized again and was about take out some tissues that you had kept in your purse. But looking at where the mess was... It wasn't something you wanted to get close to. You meekly handed him the tissue and he showed a bright smile.   

You looked away as he did his thing. When he gave you the signal, you shyly turned around. "I really am sorry..." You scratched the back of your head, apologizing over and over.   

He waved it away, "Nothing to worry about." Once again, that amazing smile was imprinted on his face. "So did you enjoy China?" He asked, wanting to continue on with the conversation and not dulge into the silence again. "Huh?" You tilt your head to one side. "You went to China right? Well... since you're riding on a China airline"  

"Ahh... Hehe yea, China was beautiful!" You smiled, remembering all of the amazing sights even though you go at least every summer. "How was it for you?"   

"Same as when i went last year." Luhan said. Your eyes rounded and gasp silently, *He's a native?! But his korean is so good!* You thought back to when the food was going around, he was speaking chinese, unlike how you just pointed to the thing you wanted.   

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