12 Days of Kisses 2/2 (EXO Christmas Special)

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A/N: This is such a late update for the second part xD I'm sorry, i promised this like freaking New Years! Haha but i hope you guys like it and answer the question at the bottom that the boys ask you. (You'll know when you get there ;D)


On the seventh day of kisses…

"Kai-ah, what do you think about this? The old bubble tea machine for Sehun stopped working so i'm sure he would like a new one" Your eyebrow pinched in the middle whenever you were trying to think about something too much.

It's been well over an hour of shopping for christmas presents with Kai. The latter offered to come along even though you wanted the gifts to be a surprised. You were sure that he was getting tired too from all the walking.

"What about this shirt, does it fit Lay?" You held up the red flannel shirt for him to see.

Kai scrunched up his nose in jealousy since all you could talk and ask about was the other hyungs. Never once have you asked about a gift for him. But, being the clueless person you were, you didn't notice a thing.

He sigh and agreed, telling you to get it. It wasn't like he was lying about it looking good on Lay but he just wanted some attention on him for once.

"I love this blanket!! Maybe we should get it" Kai grabbed the plush blanket up for you to see, hoping that you'll get the hint that he was throwing out.

"Wah! I found it! I think this is what Chen wanted"

*UGH...* He mentally smacked himself. But he couldn't help but giggle at your dense-ness. Rather frustrating sometimes, but he still loved you nonetheless.

You were looking at the fuzzy socks that you really wanted since all of the pairs you’ve got back at home has either gone old and have holes in them or have gone missing for some strange reasons. Suddenly, you felt a heavy weight on your shoulder.

Peering over, your face was suddenly just a few centimeters away from Kai’s handsome, and perfectly angular face. You jumped a bit, but felt your heart sunk seeing his pouty face looking dejected.

“What’s wrong Kai-ah~” You felt his forehead to see if he was sick, and that didn’t seem like the case. “Noona…” But before he could say anything, you interrupted him, “Maybe we should take a break”

Kai ruffled your head, leaning in giving you a kiss on your cheek. “I’ll get you some water” He walked away, looking like a rejected puppy with his tails between his legs.

While the latter was away, you took the time to search around for the thing that he wanted all year, a ring to go with his necklace you also gotten him last year. It was something that you’ve planned since last year.

But since the latter insisted on coming along with you today, you felt a bit bad that you couldn’t look around for his presents. You wanted to go by yourself but with him tagging along, what else could you have done?

“Hi can i help you miss?” An employee walked up to you, looking at you with curiosity. He was quite tall and seemed to be around your age. “I saw you looking at this ring, is it for your boyfriend?”

You rounded your eyes and chuckled, “Ah no, it’s just for someone i care about a lot”

“I can help you, do you know what his finger size is?” The guy asked. You gladly accepted his kindness. You told him that it was about the same size as your thumb. He grabbed your fingers lightly and examined it.

Suddenly, someone jerked your hand away from the employee and pulled you into another direction. You winced at the grip he had around your wrist, but you were forced to trail from behind, tripping over each other’s feet.

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