Chapter 35

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so wp has this feature to see the estimated time to complete
reading a book
for cid it is like 23 hours already & i'm not even done with half of it lmfao

Conversation flew around the table. Food and drinks came and went.

Amidst all this, Taehyung couldn't help but wonder,

Who the hell is Sehun?

Jungkook and his family kept talking on and on about this character, but Taehyung just could not place the guy anywhere.

"Dance practices with him are always so fun!"

Taehyung observed Jungkook from where he was sat on the same side of the table with Jimin between them, and, man, did the enthusiasm spread over the brunet's face rub him in all the wrong ways.

It was also then that the subject of the ongoing conversation dawned on him—oh, how hadn't he seen this coming—and it left Taehyung's blood boiling in its wake.

Jungkook talked about that Bananahammock motherfucker with his parents?

Fuck, he should be talking about, say, Taehyung with them, not that dancing freak.

He was so going to break Serenity's bones the next time he'd see him.

"Why're you glaring at your empty plate like you're willing for lasers to come out of your eyes and break it to pieces?"

The sound of Jimin's voice from beside him broke Taehyung out of the bubble of hostility that was steadily fogging up his mind, and when he turned his head to look at him, Jimin was already staring at him in amusement.

"No, I—" Taehyung started to speak, but he soon realised that he had no idea where he was headed to, so he just shut up abruptly. Although, almost instantly, a new topic of conversation occurred to him. "Hey, about earlier, you mentioned something about a promise to Jungkook's parents. What was that about?"

What Taehyung had really wanted to ask was quite different from this, but he had settled for this since he didn't trust himself with mentioning it without sounding uselessly aggressive about it. He just hoped Jimin would take the hint.

Contrary to what he had been expecting, Jimin's face totally lit up at that. "Oh, that! Kook's family just wanted to meet with you, so I kind of promised them that I'd drag you with me if I had to, but they were going to meet you this time. That's also why they'd booked an extra seat here."

To be frank, Taehyung had inquired into this matter because he'd been searching for answers, but Jimin's response had him even more confounded.

"How did they know that my parents wouldn't show up?" Out of everything going through his mind, that was the first and foremost thing that made out of his mouth, mainly because that was what he was supremely concerned about.

"They didn't," Jimin replied, his eyebrows bumping together. "In fact, it had nothing to do with that. They just wanted to meet you and probably thought that inviting you for lunch would be the decent thing to do."

When the redhead kept looking at him like something was still amiss, Jimin let his patience go and rolled his eyes. "Stop being so conscious, Tae. This kind of thing is totally normal. You'd know if you'd ever taken any of your friends' offers to spend Visiting Day with them."

Taehyung opened his mouth to let Jimin know how unnecessary this kind of a personal attack was, but he halted before he could begin when he heard Mrs. Jeon calling his name. He instantly snapped his attention to her just as she asked, "Where are you from, Taehyung?"

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