Chapter 15

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Taehyung placed his laptop down on the table and stretched his limbs as he got off the couch. He had finally managed to finish his pending assignments which were due on Monday.

He bent down to pick up all the beer cans, wrappers and plastic bags which were littered all over the table. He thought of cleaning up his dorm a bit, now that he had some time on his hands.

It was at times like these when Taehyung thought of getting a dorm mate who would help — no, do— all the chores for the both of them. But then, he thought of how much that would restrict his sex life and would shrug the thought off. He was just glad that he didn't have to pull an all-nighter as he had originally thought.

Taehyung was in the kitchen, dumping all the trash inside the dustbin, when he heard someone yelling and banging on his door.

"Open up you hoe, I need to talk to you!" The voice screamed from the other side of the door and Taehyung stood up straight, looking at the door confusedly.

He tried making out whose voice it was but it was hard to tell since it had reached his ears a little muffled and had a slurred tone to it. Taehyung thought whoever it was, was probably drunk and had thought of making a scene outside his dorm. What a prick.

Taehyung sighed and decided to ignore it, thinking that the person would leave on his own, but his eyes shot up to the door again when he heard the guy yell again.

"Don't hide behind closed doors. LET ME IN!" The person yelled and banged a few times on the door and then suddenly stopped, making Taehyung freeze as well. A few seconds later, a louder noise made its way to his ears and Taehyung realised that the guy was now probably kicking at his door.

"Fucking hell." Taehyung muttered as he swiftly made his way to the door. "Whoever you are, go away. Go piss someone else off, you dumb fuck." Taehyung yelled as he stood in front of the closed door, not wanting to open it and having to deal with a drunk shithead.


"Believe me, you don't want me to open the door. 'Cause if I do, you're gonna get your shit beaten out of you. So, GO AWAY!" Taehyung said and stepped back a bit, waiting for the guy to leave.

For a few moments, no sound came from the other side. No movements. No yells. Nothing. This made Taehyung very suspicious and he couldn't help but voice his doubts. "Dead drunk guy, are you still there?"

"I am. And guess what I'm doing."

"What are you doing?" Was this supposed to be a game?

"Come closer to the door." Taehyung could swear he had heard the boy giggle as he stepped closer and heard the sound of clothes fumbling.

Taehyung pressed his ear to the door to get a better idea and his eyes widened in rage when he heard the sound of a zipper being undone and more fumbling around.

"I'm gonna pee on your door."

"Motherfucker!" Taehyung cursed and threw the door open, ready to yell at the drunk bastard who was wreaking a havoc outside his dorm.

But his mouth was shut tight and his eyes had widened even more — this time from shock — when he saw Jungkook standing in front of him, his hands near his crotch with a satisfied grin on his face.

Taehyung kept on staring at him just as Jungkook pulled his zipper up and adjusted his clothes as much as he could. When Taehyung finally got his voice back, he said, "What are you doing here?"

For a few seconds none of them moved and Taehyung didn't get any response from the younger. Just as Taehyung was about to open his mouth again, Jungkook narrowed his eyes at him and swung his right leg in his direction, successfully kicking Taehyung in the side of his thighs.

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