Chapter 26

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You guys are gonna lose your shit while reading this chapter.
Be prepared for absolute craziness.

Very long chapter ahead.

Jungkook was angry; no, he was wrathful, because, Taehyung had not just pulled that shit in the gym.

Was he fucking deranged?!

Jungkook didn't know, but he was going to get some answers.

Storming out of the chaos-ridden gymnasium after umpteen unsuccessful tries, Jungkook pulled open the exit door—the turbulence of the place pouring in the relatively quiet hallway, as the delirious students barrelled past him; but he didn't pay any mind to them, and looked to his left to see an ambiguous flash of red and black disappear round the corner.

He immediately rushed along the corridor and swivelled around the turn—firmly grasping onto the side of a wall so as to not be thrown away, or slip due to the momentum of his body—and charged on impetuously, only to stop short when he found the person he was looking for outside a room with half a dozen boys surrounding him; the same boys he had been with in the gym—the same boys who had helped him with his prank.

Before Jungkook could call out his name, Taehyung himself turned around to face him.

How he had known that Jungkook was standing behind him was something Jungkook wasn't sure of himself; maybe it had been all the noise his stomping had created, or maybe it had been his heaving chest and harsh, drawn out pants—which was the only thing Jungkook could hear (aside from the blood rushing to his head), or maybe his boring glare, or maybe, it had simply been the murderous vibes he had been giving out—which could have possibly warned Taehyung of the imminent demise looming over his head.

Whatever it had been didn't matter, because once Taehyung had seen Jungkook in front of him, he only focused on the brunet and his aggravated demeanour, which—in turn—brought a smile to his face, because he had accomplished what he had wanted; getting back on Jungkook for completely annihilating his phone the other day.

Okay, maybe that was a bit too intense and exaggerated, but Taehyung was a drama queen—deal with it. And the fact that he had already had his phone checked at the nearest Apple store (it was up and running now) didn't matter at all, because the childish, spiteful part of him had to avenge it.

"Kim," Jungkook said, his mouth closed tightly, the name coming out more as a growl than a word, and Taehyung knew that he was here to talk business.

So, he turned to his fellow teammates, and gestured them to leave—an order they complied with instantly, since even they knew that after the shit they had helped Taehyung pull in the gym, a Kim-Jeon argument was only natural to follow.

Taehyung's friends weren't even out of earshot, when Jungkook bellowed, "You set the fucking gymnasium on fire! Are you nuts?!"

Taehyung apparently flinched—but it was only for show; Jungkook could yell all he want, it wouldn't have any effect on him. Never had, never will. Especially not when he was joyous about a plan well-executed.

But he had to look like it, and—frankly speaking—Jungkook's scream had been loud—too loud in fact—and Taehyung's ears rang. He inserted his pinkie in his ear and began shaking it, trying to shun the noise.

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