Chapter 7

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Look at this cherry bunbun!!!
His red hair killed me!!!
Total baby boy material.
All credits to the owner of this fan art.

This chapter is 5k words of crap. Read at your own risk.

"Stop telling boys that their height is funny if they're short. Stop laughing at boys who are under six feet. Stop telling boys to man up!"

Stepping inside Taehyung's dorm, still being pulled on by Hoseok, Jungkook was welcomed by intense hollering and yelling, all of which took him by surprise since he hadn't been expecting such a lively, raucous atmosphere at, what, quarter to midnight. 

Skimming his eyes across the living room, he recognised the scene for the accurate recipe for disaster it was with its three main ingredients in attendance: rowdy teenage boys, late nights, and free booze.

He even spotted the first ingredient in the form of a group of boys huddled together around a large hexagonal table, with some of them laid on the floor whereas others were plastered onto the couches, while Jackson—that ridiculously drunk asshat—stood in the middle of the ruckus and yelled passionately about something as the crowd cheered him on.

"What's going on there?" Jungkook couldn't keep the befuddlement out of his voice as he asked.

"Jackson is ranting about equality, stereotypes, and male rights. Doesn't he look hilariously into it?"

"Is this 'Don't get me started?'"

"Mmm-hmm." Hoseok looked pleased with how quick he'd been to catch on. "Let's join in. Come on."

With that, he started dragging Jungkook towards the root of the chaos to one of the couches where the noises remained raw and uninhibited.

"Stop telling boys that they should just move on and get over physically and emotionally traumatic experiences!"

Jackson's yells continued and only got louder as they approached the group. Hoseok proceeded to drop onto the floor amidst the tangle of limbs and plastic cups just as Jungkook took a seat next to Jimin who didn't waste a single breath before throwing his torso onto the younger's lap. Contrary to Jimin's joyous giggles, Yoongi— who sat across from them—sipped on his beer calmly.

"Stop telling boys that their girlfriends are always right because 'women are always right,'" Jackson said, earning very loud cheers along with a few wolf whistles.

"Boys. Need. Emotional. Support. Too. Boys. Have. Body. Image. Issues. Too." Jackson finished off, taking a long swig of the drink in his hand, practically spraying his audience in his disarray. Jungkook wiped a stray drop that landed on his cheek amidst the cheer and applause the speech was met with.

"This," Jimin said, "was so entertaining." Taking in Jungkook's form next to him, his laughter finally came to a halt. "And you actually made it. I had thought that you would ditch us and run away."

"What are you on about?" Jungkook tried his best to act offended at the, frankly, truthful remark. "I mean, I didn't want to come, but Hobi hyung dragged me here."

Seeming satisfied with Jungkook's admission, Jimin flashed him a dopey smile. "Good for you then, because Taehyung's not here right now." Sliding closer to Jungkook in a way that twisted his body at a weird angle, Jimin conspiratorially whispered, "He's in his room so you can let your guard down and enjoy for once, you know." 

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