Chapter 30

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You guys make me feel so loved and appreciated I could almost cry

Jungkook descended the august, marble staircase with a shy smile adorning his mouth—which had been a result of trying to thwart the face-splitting grin steadily trying to take over his glowing features—his bubbly mood imparting a light, yet delightful skip to his steps.

The fifteen year old has been looking around for his dearest best friend—who was, now, also his boyfriend (yeep!), due to an unforeseen, and truly incredible turn of events.

It had been something that had left Jungkook genuinely thunderstruck and utterly speechless; although, his initial shock had evened later, courtesy of his unceasing babble to all his hyungs—all of whom had been nothing but overly-joyous and heartwarmingly supportive of their new, but so obvious, relationship.

Whenever Jungkook had brought up the fact with them that he couldn't believe that Taehyung and him were now dating, that it felt surreal that his lifelong, illusory hopes were finally turned to reality, that his overwhelming, crushing feelings for Taehyung were, somehow, reciprocated by the older, all his older friends hadn't looked even a bit surprised by it—although, they had been enthusiastic of the entire ordeal as they had tried to convince Jungkook of—what they said was the will of the universe, and how him and his older crush had always been meant to be together.

That they could always see them falling for each other in the future since day one.

It had, honestly, made the young one cry a little.

Although, most of that emotion had been caused by Taehyung's, his best friend and secret crush of six whole years, simple acceptance of his not-so-simple feelings that he had been nursing to this whole time he had known him.

Jungkook hadn't known back then when he had made his way to the rooftop to meet Taehyung that fateful day almost a month ago, that within the span of a mere few minutes, his world would completely tilt on its axis.

He hadn't known that the universe would finally be giving him what he had longed for all his years spent in this school. He hadn't known that his childish habit of wishing on a shooting star—something Taehyung always teased him about—would turn out to be so fruitful as his wildest, most impossible dream would come true.

After all, whenever Taehyung and him used to sit in the garden at night to observe the unending, onyx sheet sprawled above their heads and sprinkled with tiny dots of twinkling, pure white lights, Jungkook—without fail—had sat under the midnight sky, looking for beams of light shooting around against the pitch black backdrop, always wishing for the same thing over and over again whenever he'd spot any.

And now, looking at how his life had turned out to be, Jungkook could say with enormous confidence that all of it had paid off in the best possible way.

Jungkook couldn't be happier with his life at the moment; and a great deal of credit for that went to none other than Kim Taehyung.

Upon reaching the landing, Jungkook peered to his right and then to his left, craning his neck muscles in all directions just to get any sign of the older, black-haired male, who he had every right to call his now.

He also wondered why he was referring to Taehyung as such in his thoughts, but then he realised that his mind had been taken over by his lovesick heart since the day he had thoughtlessly confessed his feelings, and, to his sheer surprise, Taehyung—the one and only person who made him feel like he was going to have a heart attack every time his glossy, black eyes met Taehyung's own warm, hazel ones—had agreed to be his boyfriend.

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