Chapter 16

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Shit's about to go down..

"M' like that. Keep going."

Taehyung was dumbfounded.

No. Scratch that.

Taehyung was astounded, startled, stunned, shocked, flabbergasted and completely stupefied.


His mind was filled with internal rage screams and thoughts like 'What the fuck?!' and 'Holy Jesus! Is this really happening?' and 'This is a dear diary moment' and 'I'm not high, am I?' — in that sequence.

Taehyung was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a pull on the front of his shirt, his face getting closer to Jungkook's, just inches apart. Jungkook was still grinning at him mischievously as Taehyung rapidly batted his eyelids.

"I told you to keep going. Why did you stop, huh?" Jungkook softly whispered in his ear, blowing air on it slightly as he leaned back again to look at Taehyung, giving him a small smile.

Taehyung could only gulp at the sight in front of him. Jungkook's bubblegum pink lips were turned upside in a sultry smirk, his cheeks were tinted scarlet as his big onyx eyes looked up at Taehyung expectantly — as if inviting him to just gobble the smaller boy up.

Upon eliciting no response from the older, Jungkook — in his drunken and fucked up state of mind — decided to step up his game. He placed his hands on Taehyung's chest as if they belonged there, leaned up and very tenderly touched his sculpted jaw with his soft lips, leaving a butterfly kiss. He pulled away to see the older's reaction but continued with his ministrations when he saw no visible effect of his actions.

Jungkook glided his lips across his jaw, leaving a trail of soft kisses in his wake, as he moved down towards Taehyung's neck. He licked his neck all the way up to his collarbones, and started sucking on his sun kissed golden skin upon reaching the base.

All the while, Taehyung stood as rigid as a wall, just letting Jungkook do whatever he wanted. Taehyung had wanted to react and follow his masculine instincts when he had felt his member throb in his pants, had wanted to take the younger — who was quite literally throwing himself at him — right then and there, but he had held himself back when his brain had reminded him that Jungkook was drunk and it would be wrong to take advantage of him in this state. So, he let himself be taken advantage of instead.

But Taehyung found it hard to listen to his voice of reason anymore when Jungkook kept on sucking on his collarbones while mumbling incoherently. The younger tightened his grip on Taehyung's shirt as he mumbled against his skin.

"I'm so horny right now." Jungkook lifted his head up slightly and peeked from under his lashes at Taehyung.

"P-please V." Jungkook whined.

And that is when Taehyung completely lost control of himself.

Taehyung grabbed the younger's shoulders and slammed him into the wall behind, as his face — once again — buried itself in the crook of his neck.

Jungkook had whined — he had fucking begged Taehyung to touch him and Taehyung was a man after all. There was only so much he could resist and he hadn't found it in himself to turn away from Jungkook when he had looked at him with his lust filled eyes. He was going to give the younger exactly what he wanted.

Taehyung slotted his lips to Jungkook's sharp jawline, as he kissed and sucked on the supple skin greedily. Jungkook whined — signalling that he wanted more — and guided Taehyung's skilled mouth to his neck, wanting him to create more marks. The older could only comply to his unsaid request as he sucked hungrily on his cottony skin, after biting down on it at places and swirling his tongue over those areas.

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