Chapter 17

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Yoonkook is soooooo cute!!!
Yoongi looks so happy with his son. That gummy smile....I'm so soft for it.

Only bangtan and army can make him this happy

The bundle of sheets in the middle of the bed moved as the body underneath it shifted. Jungkook grunted, pushing away the heavy covers around his body as he tried to sit up, his eyes still closed.

After a few minutes of struggle, he finally managed to sit up and held his head in his hands when he felt a sharp pain piercing his skull.

Fuck. Am I dead?

Jungkook let out a groan as his whole body ached — especially his back. He didn't know anything — couldn't remember anything — as he sat still, massaging his forehead and waiting for the pain to subside.

"Open up you hoe, I need to talk to you."

Oh yes. Last night, he had gone to V's dorm instead of his own. He had wanted to talk to him about the dating rumour going around about him. Wonder how that had went.

As the pain started to subside, his memories came back. At first, they were just a collection of noises and movements, none of it making any sense. But, after a couple of minutes, the noises turned into voices and he could finally make out the words.

"I'm here to talk about your new relationship with your girlfriend, Piper."

"I am not interested in her."

So they weren't dating after all. Jungkook, even in his pain, grinned inwardly at that.

"If you kick me one more time Jeon, I'll smash your goddamn face against the floor."

Had they fought again? Jungkook wasn't sure about it but the memories that followed cleared that doubt for him.

"Kiss me."

"Don't what me."

Jungkook groaned, shoving his head deeper into his hands. His memories were a mess. He wasn't sure who had said what and had done what. What had happened last night?!

Jungkook finally opened his eyes when he felt a shiver run through his body. He looked down at his naked torso with the blankets bundled around his waist- Wait. Naked? What?!

Jungkook lightly lifted up the sheets, desperately hoping to be clothed down there, but his hope died when his eyes landed upon his naked groin and felt the naked flesh of his thighs rub against each other.

Oh Jesus, NO!

As if his unclothed state wasn't enough, all his memories finally came rushing back to him, making him feel an insane amount of emotions in the span of a few seconds.

"M' like that. Keep going."

"P-please V."

"You liked it doll?"

"Cum for me daddy."

And that sentence was the last straw for Jungkook.

His eyes blew up wider than ever before as he shrieked, throwing his hands and legs in the air. His body got caught up in the sheets surrounding him, his limbs becoming tangled up in them. Due to the force of his thrashing, Jungkook lost his balance and went crashing to the floor, along with all the sheets.

Jungkook groaned, his face against the floor, as he raised his hands and set them on either side of his face. He tried lifting himself up, only to fail over and over again. Giving up, he decided to just lay on the floor and wallow in self pity and loathing.

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