Chapter 10

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Look at kook's face. Oml I laughed way too hard at this.
Jk being the needy baby he is.

Jungkook stepped out of the classroom, stretching his limbs as he waited for Yugyeom to emerge out of the room as well. He was done with half of his classes and it was lunch now.

"Oh, you're here. We thought we'd miss you two." Jungkook turned to his side, and saw Bambam standing next to him as Youngjae made his way over to them, yawning.

"Nope. You're just on time. Mr. Kang just let us go." Jungkook replied, looking bored.

"Thank god! I'm so hungry. My stomach growled, like, super loud in French if that's an indication." Bambam said, rubbing his tummy, and Jungkook and Youngjae halted and looked at him.

Sensing the sudden silence surrounding them, Bambam looked at his friends with a questioning look until he realised what he had said.

"I would like to clarify that my stomach did not speak French." Bambam explained, looking panicked. "It growled in French class. That's what I meant."


"Le growl. Feed me a baguette."

"Shut up you two! Just let things slide sometimes. It's not like it would kill you." Bambam huffed, his brows pinching together. "Anyway, where's Yugyeom? I thought he had this class with you?"

"He's still in there. He got held back by Mr. Kang. He should be coming out any second now." Jungkook said, and looked up at the door of the classroom and saw Yugyeom dragging his feet as he exited the room.

"He got held back? Why?" Bambam questioned.

"Gyeomie! Here!" Jungkook yelled, as he waved his hands to catch his friend's attention. Yugyeom looked up from where he was staring at the ground as soon as he heard his name being called. The dejected look in his eyes was replaced with anger when he saw Jungkook smiling at him, waving his fingers, while the rest of his friends stood there looking confused.

Yugyeom turned on his heels and marched forward to his friends, his stare fixed on Jungkook who was now smirking mischievously.

"Are you okay, Gyeomie? You look a little red in the face. Did Mr. Kang give you a hard time?" Jungkook said, batting his eyelashes at him innocently.

"You bet he did you little shit." Yugyeom gritted his teeth as he got in Jungkook's face. "The stunt you pulled on me got me an earful from him. You got me into real trouble today."

"Will anyone explain what happened first?" Youngjae asked.

"I don't know. Ask him." Yugyeom said irritatedly, pointing at Jungkook.

"It's not that big a deal actually. Mr. Kang got really pissed at us today for not paying attention and started yelling something along the lines of, "Do you guys know basic math? Do you know addition?". Yugyeom here wasn't paying attention as well so he asked him "What's two plus two, Yugyeom?". He was so surprised upon hearing his name that he couldn't hear the question. So, I thought that I should help and leaned over to him and whispered "Seven" and this fool here actually blurted out seven. Honestly, I've never laughed so much in my life before." Jungkook finished off, laughing and was soon joined by Bambam and Youngjae as well.

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