Chapter 6

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'V's personal bunny'

Jungkook's eye twitched as he stared at the note taped to his locker like it had offended the very foundation of his existence. Taking all of his frustrations out on the note, he then ripped it to pieces before stomping on what remained of it because, after all, this was not what he had been expecting to be greeted with first thing today.

It was the day after the penalty had been carried out, and that generally meant a new morning, a new him, but, unsurprisingly, Jungkook was still stuck on the events of the other night.

One does not just get over a nightmarish punishment of that sort; one also makes thorough plans of moping around about said penalty in their room for the whole day, but the universe still finds a way to drag them from under their covers.

And so the universe did—in Jungkook's case—in the form of Mr. Yang who had, very apologetically, dumped the test papers of some middle schoolers on him to review.

When Jungkook had initially gotten the call from him, he had wanted to inform him of how he, himself, had some very intricate plans for his day—none of which mandated for him to deal with the aftermath of the hellish penalty anytime before Monday—so why was he doing this to him?

But Jungkook did nothing of the sort. Generosity really was his enemy.

So here he was, dragging himself through the hallway, trying to ignore the nasty comments and snickers of the few kids who were at school as he made his way to the library with the test papers in his hands.

As much as he tried to pretend, the crowd knew he could still hear them, hence they did all kinds of things to grab his attention and remind him of the night before; for instance, leaving a ridiculous note at his locker.

Knowing Jungkook, he should've gone on a killing spree exactly two minutes and forty-eight seconds ago, but he was holding back, even to his own astonishment.

Judging from his track record, even he didn't know he possessed this much self-control.

Too bad this restraint was making a guest appearance right now for one sole reason—which was the fact that Jungkook was well aware that things could have been worse than this, because, yes, people were entertaining themselves at his expense and chattering away about the stupid bunny costume, but no one was mentioning anything about the second penalty.

Not a soul.

And Jungkook was well-aware that it had happened in the confines of a room with very few people bearing audience, but the way the general population seemed almost unaware of it was immensely perplexing.

It was also true that many people present during the incident were Jungkook's very dear friends, but the remaining three were his mortal enemies, and not even Bogum's big mouth had uttered a single thing about it, which, in itself, was shocking.

Maybe carrying out the penalty on Taehyung had been the singular right choice Jungkook had made last night; maybe it was Taehyung who had stopped his friends from saying anything about it.

Poor Taehyung though—his own plan had backfired in a way that he couldn't even talk about the most embarrassing thing he had made Jungkook do in his entire life.

As much as Jungkook was rejoicing over this, he still couldn't believe that Taehyung had come up with a plan like that and had actually intended on making him say all those words to any random guy.

Now that would have a whole new level of humiliation. Not that carrying it out with Taehyung had been a great source of comfort for him. Nope, not at all.

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