Chapter 24

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An incandescent beam of lightning dazzled through the midnight blue sky—followed by relatively smaller ones, though equally fulgent—as the rapid pitter patter of the rain was subdued by the resounding boom from the clouds up above; but none of that mattered to the two teenagers standing in the middle of a darkened alley.

Their silhouettes were illuminated by the striking white headlights of the redhead's car, and the only sounds heard—other than that of the rain and the thunder—were the males' harsh breaths combined with that of a singer's vocal—accompanied with heavy drum rolls and electric guitar—which was blaring through the speakers inside the car, and escaping to the outside through the crack of the half open window.

"Let go of me, V," Jungkook said, gritting his teeth all the while trying to shake off Taehyung's grip on his arm. "I'm done putting up with your bullshit. Leave me so I can go."

Jungkook tried jerking his arm away as he kept glaring at Taehyung who returned the look with equal intensity—if not greater—and the heavy pants surrounding them only got louder to the point that Jungkook's ears began ringing.

Even though their spasmodic heaves were almost equally timed, and mixed together quite well, their individual breaths were distinguishable. While Jungkook's strenuous puffs were breathy and quivering, Taehyung's were heavier and more drawn out.

"I just told you that you're not going anywhere," Taehyung said, his voice a husky rumble, as he licked his lips and continued, "and stop struggling 'cause I'm not gonna let you go."

Jungkook's eyes immediately hardened as anger came over him at Taehyung's words, and he gave him a harsh shove, and said, "Why?! Are you planning on getting us both drenched? The school's not too far from here. Just let me leave, and you can stand here all you want!"

Even after the sudden push on Taehyung's body, he didn't budge as he had Jungkook trapped between himself and the hood of his car. The brunet was still splayed on the hood just like Taehyung had positioned him, and he could feel the cool metal surface of the shiny, black car through the thin fabric of his white tee, which was completely drenched by now.

"Neither of us is leaving until we settle whatever's bothering you," Taehyung said, and that left Jungkook feeling confused, because what was Taehyung talking about?

"Whatever's bothering me?" Jungkook asked, voicing his doubts, but the confusion on his face vanished when he realised what Taehyung meant. "Oh, so now you wanna talk about it? Just a few minutes ago, you were completely dodging my questions, and now you want to clear things up?"

"I didn't feel like talking in the car. Wasn't in the mood to do so," Taehyung said, and gave a nonchalant shrug, "Now I'll have to 'cause I can't stand you being a whiny little bitch."

"Not in the mood?" Jungkook shouted, his anger skyrocketing, "Who do you think you are? You think the world revolves around you? That everyone would do, and say things according to your mood? You know what? I don't wanna talk to you so stop blocking my path, fuckface."

Taehyung clicked his tongue at Jungkook's irate words, and unclasped his hand on his arm, leaning his torso away from him as he stood up straight. He looked to the side, and ran his fingers through his soaked red tresses, moving his bangs away from his face, slicking them back.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung in apprehension, trying to judge his demeanour to decide whether he had moved away to let him go or not. He saw that Taehyung had just backed away but hadn't moved away completely, and that their lower halves were still flush against each other.

He could also feel the rain hitting directly upon his torso now, and that made him decide that Taehyung could go to hell with his moody self, and that he was going to leave now.

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