Chapter 36

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you guys are in luck!!
this time it did not take me half a year to update lmao

Meet me in the garden.

The latest text popping up on Taehyung's phone screen jolted him in his spot where he was lying haphazardly on the sofa.

All of a sudden, his Twitter timeline turned uninteresting and was consequently abandoned when he tapped on the notification causing Jungkook's chat window to open up.

The series of desperate, unanswered, and undelivered texts on his part made it even harder for him to believe what was trying to register in his mind through his eyes.

Jungkook had actually texted him—and that, too, totally out of the blue—asking him to meet up with him in the garden at, what, eleven o'clock.

As if his day hadn't been befuddling enough—what with all the visitation fiasco—Taehyung, by the looks of it, could not find any serenity even at night.

Such thoughts did not linger for much in his head though, for all he could truly make of the situation was that Jungkook desired to meet him—had reached out to him personally after all these days—and he was no one to not comply with whatsoever the other wanted.

After praying for such an opportunity for so long, Taehyung was in no position to question the how, what, and why of it as he was overcome with a strange haste to leave his dorm and get to the brunet as soon as it would be humanly possible.

To achieve that, he found himself paying zero mind to what he was presently wearing, and only became aware of the flimsy tank top draping his torso and shorts covering his lower half when he opened the door to step out and the oddly chilly air hit his bare skin.

An involuntary shudder rushed through his body, and that was enough for him to hastily grab his Letterman, but not quite adequate to compel him to change out of his shorts into something warmer.

After all, it was chilly outside, and Jungkook was already waiting for him in what was essentially an open space.

What if he got sick for waiting too long just because fragile little Taehyung was taking a longass time playing dress-up?

Hell, no. Taehyung absolutely refused to let that happen.

Closing the door behind him, he rushed to the elevator which, he then figured out, would take a longass time to reach his floor. He cursed underneath his breath before throwing the door open to the stairwell and dashing down, taking two stairs at a time as he simultaneously shrugged on his jacket.

As he approached the ground floor, he jumped off the remaining steps and pushed his entire body against the door that'd lead him outside, almost catching a few passersby on the face with it.

Not caring to apologise for it—'cause he was in a hurry and the girls seemed happy (?) about almost getting hit in the face by the Kim Taehyung, whacky stuff—he exited the dorm building and took a left.

He was very much running by now, and when the garden area came into his view—finally—it dawned on him that he hadn't given a confirmation to Jungkook's text and had left him on read.

Ugh, he was such a dumb asshole.

What if the brunet had already left, feeling stupid for even reaching out to him when all Taehyung did was leave his amicable initiative on read?

Slowing down, he unlocked his phone that was still tightly clutched in his hand and urgently typed out a response while maintaining a steady, brisk pace.

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