Chapter 25

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Strolling inside his English class, Jungkook was welcomed by the sight of the room in a state of a wild uproar, the avalanche of sounds being audible even a few metres away from the place.

Pandemonium erupted in every corner of it—something that could only be credited to the ongoing science week in their school, which, apparently had students losing their minds due to the ginormous piles of projects that were thrown at them with an outrageous deadline which was almost impossible to meet.

Not paying mind to the stressed-out people around him, Jungkook made his way over to his seat in the single rows of the class, and slid his backpack off, when his eyes caught sight of something unexpected placed on his desk.

"Why is there a plant on my desk?" he murmured to himself, seemingly thinking out loud.

Jungkook put his bag on the chair, and proceeded to inspect the potted plant, lifting it up with his hands. He was about to ask around—maybe the plant was a part of someone's project—when he felt a tap on his shoulder, and he put the pot back down, turning around only to find his three closest friends—more like diabolical partners in crime—giving him half hearted waves and small smiles.

"What's up, Mr. Exhibitionist." It was Youngjae who had spoken up, taking his seat in the row adjacent to Jungkook's, while Bambam sat right behind Jungkook and Yugyeom slipped in his own seat behind Youngjae.

"Can you not say that out loud?" Jungkook hissed lowly, his tone reprimanding, giving Youngjae a pointed look before checking around whether anyone had heard him or not.

"What's with the secrecy, Kook-ah?" Youngjae teased, "If you have the guts to have sex out in the open for everyone to see, then you should have the courage to own up to it, too."

"This has nothing to do with courage, and you know it." Jungkook rolled his eyes, and shifted his gaze back to his desk, finding the pot to be gone. "It's just that, if V heard you saying that, he'd impale us all; not to mention that we share this class with him and his obnoxious friends, so the chances of him hearing you are pretty high, if I might say that."

"Maybe he would—who knows. But, isn't he, like, already impaling you?" Youngjae chaffed, a shit eating grin taking over his features.

When Jungkook looked at him with his brows furrowed and eyes confused, Youngjae clicked his tongue, and said, "You know, with his dick, 'cause you guys are going at it like bunnies in heat."

The sentence was almost immediately followed by the boys doubling up with laughter, saving Jungkook, who—with his eyes widened in disbelief—let out a scoff, realising that his friends were razzing him. The nerve of them.

Fully turning around in his chair, Jungkook looked at the people he called his friends, the boys coming off of their laughter high as they looked at Jungkook, biting back their laughs. "Very funny. Jungkook's a satyromaniac. Ha ha."

"Sorry, sorry," Yugyeom chuckled out, dabbing at his eyes with his fingertips, "I just can't get the image of you from the other day out of my mind."

"Same, Yugyeom." Bambam nodded along to his words.

Jungkook huffed. "It's not my fault you guys were already at the entrance when I arrived with V. Didn't know you all were missing me that much."

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