Chapter 5

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I don't know why I have this pic but...yeah...I'm just gonna leave it here.
Them thick thighs

"Lookin' real nice, Jeon. Especially that ass. Jesus Christ."

Looking absolutely done with everything, Jungkook stared back at the guy who was currently shamelessly checking him out, falling right into the lot of boys who had been—and still were—eye-fucking him throughout the period of time he had spent at the party.

The scene reminded Jungkook of his original reasons to stick to oversized, dark-coloured clothing, since it looked like the perverted population of this world wasn't going to change anytime soon.

(Also, excuse him for being orthodox but he has never been comfortable with becoming an eye-feasting material for the people around him.)

"Just choose a damn drink and get going before I bash your face in with this tray." His exasperation showed in his words and tone, neither of which had been manifested into something tangible with the intention of being polite or sounding light on the ears.

Can't blame Jungkook for that since this had to be the thirteenth guy who had hit on him in the last two hours, and to him—by now—this whole penalty was beginning to look a lot like 'fuck this.'

And he was justified in thinking so, since the boys whom he had never even seen before in his entire life were coming up to him, trying to flirt with him and the likes.

Some were not even being subtle about their intentions, and had went on about how 'good they would make him feel,' or how much they 'wanted to ram their dick inside him.'

Bunch of nasties, Jungkook called it.

One of them in the lot had went the extra mile and had said that he wanted to 'breed' him, chuckling at his own joke which was obviously in accordance to the outfit Jungkook was flaunting.

The brunet had not seen the guy after he had threatened to chop off his dick.

Violence was the answer after all.

"Oh, come on now. You wouldn't do that looking all fresh and pretty like this, would you?" The guy further pressed on, this time just barging into Jungkook's personal bubble, and that made him decide that he'd not let this certain creep get away without giving him a good beating.

"Try me, bitch," Jungkook said, and lifted up the tray he was carrying with him, which was now empty, in the air with every intention of slamming it down on the other's head—but fate, apparently, had other plans.

A hand wrapped around Jungkook's wrist, effectively stopping him from hitting the boy in front of him just as the latter backed off, looking scared at the sudden aggression.

Stupid bitch had been thinking that Jeon Jungkook wouldn't make good on his words. Sheer idiocy, nothing else.

"No fighting, Jeon."

Groaning upon hearing the same deep voice that he hated so much, Jungkook angrily snatched his wrist out of Taehyung's hold as he turned to face the redhead.

On the other hand, the boy who had been trying to get into Jungkook's pants slipped away, knowing that the brunet was distracted now that Kim Taehyung was in their vicinity.

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