Chapter 33

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Since y'all wanted me to include a summary of sorts of the previous chapter:

tae came to jks room like 'sorry but like lmao wanna smash' and like was being dumb so they argued and brought up past stuff and tae was like shoot and jk was sobbing and screaming and stuff. and it ended with them basically breaking up.

lmao enjoy

"No, I do not want you to come over, Jae. Nothing you do is going to make me feel better. N-No! It's 'cause I already feel goo— Believe me, I am feeling very gay."

The birds were obnoxiously chirping, the students flooding the school grounds were engaged in rambunctious chitchat with each other, the midday sun was shining brightly right above the campus, and in the midst of all this katzenjammer, Jungkook was on the phone with Youngjae, talking as loud as he could.

Now, Jungkook could have just hung up on him, or rather not have taken the call at all, but his friend was worried about him after he had seen him crying two days ago—right along with Yugyeom and Bambam.

Jungkook knew that it was a dumb move on his part to cry in the corridors of their dormitory building where literally anyone could've seen him, but back then, he hadn't really had any option — considering, the person who had made him tear up was hogging his room; just like he had been hogging Jungkook's designated table in the cafeteria, their friends, and Jungkook's phone, too, seeing how his chats had always been flooded with texts from the redhead up until a few days ago.

The older boy had absolutely refused to give him any space or room to breathe this past week, right until Jungkook had finally had a meltdown right in front of him.

He had tried to keep all his bitterness and emotions under wraps during all those days, but, no, Taehyung had to have a problem with that, too, and he just had to come knocking on his door, and cornering him, and pushing him to the edge until he had become all weak and vulnerable in front of his worst enemy.

Just like Taehyung had wanted; and had probably planned as well.

Oh, how Jungkook resented him.

And his reason for not returning to his dorm and preferring to be led to his friends' room had not only been Taehyung's uninvited encroachment of what was rightfully Jungkook's private space, but—at some point—had also become more about Jimin's unexpected return to their dorm.

The brunet had been in no mood to indulge the blond's imminent interrogation, and had just wanted to escape from it all.

Also, he had wanted Taehyung to save his own ass for once. He had wanted the older to answer for his actions, rather than having Jungkook lie to everyone for him.

Only god and the universe—and probably the walls of his dorm, if one were to believe that they actually had ears—knew what had transpired between Taehyung and Jimin, and how the redhead had explained his purpose of being in their room and having obviously made Jungkook storm off like that, because Jungkook, for one, hadn't asked his roommate anything regarding that matter when he had felt composed enough to return to face him.

Jimin hadn't acted suspicious as well, had behaved pretty normally, telling Jungkook to come to dinner with him. The older boy had obviously been in no mood to take 'no' for an answer, so Jungkook had to relent.

As it had later turned out, he had a really good time at dinner inspite of his intense sob-fest earlier.

Being surrounded by the people closest to him had given him a warmth he had been missing, his friends' usual banter and childish jokes had made Jungkook laugh more than ever.

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