Chapter 34

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This was not how Taehyung had planned his Visiting Day to go about this year.

It was supposed to be the same old routine that had persisted all the years he had spent at this boarding school: sleep in and wake up sometime around midday; stay cooped up inside his dorm to avoid feeling disgusted by looking at all the happy family reunions happening all over campus; take out the stash of alcohol he has on him at all times and drink till his brain goes dumb; call someone over to warm his bed.

These last two steps had just recently been added to his Visiting Day ritual.

It wasn't the greatest of ways to spend the day, he knows; sometimes he'd run into one of his friends who'd try to make him meet their family, or someone would just invite themselves over to his dorm to have company to their own lonely selves, but it still made the day bearable for him.

So long as anything could keep thoughts of his own parents' absence year after year away from him, anything was fine.

But this year the unanticipated had happened — it was something that had made all the alarms in Taehyung's head go off at the same time, and no matter what he did, it had been as clear as day to him that he wouldn't be able to get himself out of it.

That had sunk in the minute he had flung his door open in annoyance and had witnessed Jimin stood on the other side of it with his arms folded and hip cocked to a side.

Things had gone completely downhill from there.

By informing Taehyung that he'd be alone this year since neither of his parents could make it, Jimin had convinced (read: forced) him to spend this day with him.

Everything had been going fine for the first couple of hours—which was very surprising, if you ask Taehyung—until Jimin had started waving Jungkook to come over to where they were stood in front of the administrative building.

Seriously, Jungkook? Why even him! Why hadn't Jimin even stopped for a second when they had come across Namjoon's parents, or-or Hoseok's family?

Why Jungkook?

It didn't take long for Taehyung to figure that out, though.

The absolute betrayal and panic he had felt upon listening to the two of them interact—thus, unravelling the mystery of 'why Jungkook?'—could not be explained in any humane way possible. And the further jackpot of being left alone with Jungkook when they had so much tension between them—and not the sexual kind because that would've been great—was a very unpleasant, forceful gift by Jimin.

Taehyung had been so sure that the awkward, suffocating silence was all that would be there between him and Jungkook until Jimin decided to come back with the brunet's family, but then he heard some very aggravated mumbling coming from the side, something that sounded a lot like, '. . . kill Jimin . . . swear on Satan.'

Now Taehyung didn't know what Jungkook was on about, swearing on Satan and all, but he knew that involving Satan in any kind of business meant that people weren't messing around, so he just had to say something.

In hindsight, that totally didn't work out for anyone involved.

Jungkook had acted stubborn and annoyed, making Taehyung wish he'd never opened his mouth in the first place as he realized how less Jungkook thought of him — and also that they both had a very real problem communicating with each other.

He didn't really know what to do with that epiphany, though; so he just tucked it away as he carried on their silly 'fight' which ended with him being attacked by the feisty brunet.

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