Chapter 38

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"Don't sit here, Bam. I'm saving this seat for Kook."

Bambam retrieved his bag with a huff from the top of the table where he had placed it just a second ago and stomped over to the other side, but not before throwing Youngjae a tight lipped smile to show his displeasure.

And displeased, he was, since the day was being such a bitch to him, right from the moment he'd opened his eyes to Yugyeom yodeling in the bathroom up till he'd been uselessly yelled at by a professor in the last period.

Now Youngjae, his only decent roommate and supposed friend, was making him shift seats and whatnot when he was already quite done with things, as if that weren't already visible on his face.

He was sure nothing—or no one—could tick him off more now since he was damn certain that what he was experiencing right now had to be the epitome of aggravation, but, in the next moment, he was proved wrong when his gaze landed on the only other empty seat at the table and how Yugyeom sat next to it, watching him with a sleazy look on his big dumb face.

Oh, fuck, no. There was no way Bambam was spending this 'group meeting' beside Yugyeom's weird ass. It was enough that he had to share a room with the other as there was nothing he could do about it after so much time into the semester.

However, he had taken a serious vow to avoid Yugyeom in all social settings, not shying away from making vivid threats of violence against him to discourage the odd, fuckboy kinda attitude that he'd recently adopted exclusively towards him.

Yugyeom's behaviour both annoyed and perplexed Bambam, but never to such a degree for him to probe into the other's rationale regarding it.

Something already told Bambam that he wouldn't be pleased by his friend's reasons.

Hence, he'd been trying his level best to abstain, though he didn't know how he could do the same right now. Should he throw a fit? Or maybe drag another chair from somewhere and position it away from where Yugyeom was?

No, that probably would not work. Youngjae had already determined that he needed to be next to Jungkook for this talk.

Moreover, if Bambam were to be vocal about his wishes, he'd probably get a prissy remark from Youngjae before getting manhandled by the boy himself into settling beside Yugyeom.

Yeah, he was out of options and his day was about to get way worse.

"Hey, sunshine."

The remark came even before Bambam could properly seat his ass in his chair, and as much as he willed himself to believe that he must have at least breathed wrong in Yugyeom's direction, that just hadn't been the case.

"Sunshine?" Bambam could not help but question. "Did you forget that you were the one who called me a reprehensible fuck waffle this morning?"

Even in the face of such accusation—which, by the way, did happen—Yugyeom remained dauntless in his endeavours. "Yeah, and now I'm comparing you to sun rays. Your point?"

All fight drained out of Bambam's system as he begged, "Please don't talk to me."

The response was instantaneous. "Yeah, that's not really possible."

"Then I'm just going to conveniently ignore you."

"Oh, sunshine, how you wound me."

The theatrics had a muscle ticking in Bambam's jaw. "Are you gonna shut up on your own or should I physically make you?"

For his next dialogue, Yugyeom decided to increase the proximity between them. "When it's you, I always want to get physical."

Bambam was in shambles. "What is the matter with you, you— you, you perverted apricot!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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