Chapter 28

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Before reading this part, make sure you've read the ENTIRE chapter 27. I've edited it and added a couple of scenes at the end, so go read it if you haven't, or you'll be hella confused.

"Jungkook, please, just listen to me."

"No! I don't want to. Leave me alone." Jungkook's steps picked up its pace as he hastened down the hallway, trying to get away from his friends.

"Come on, Jungkook!" Bambam yelled after him, "Just listen to Yugyeom for once. He's genuinely sorry about yesterday. Forgive him already."

"No, I won't," Jungkook replied, his fists clenched tightly in determination as he marched to the cafeteria, pushing the oncoming horde of students out of his way.

"It was an honest mistake, Kook-ah. I really don't know how V ended up at the store when I never even let him out of my sight." Yugyeom was earnestly pleading to be forgiven, but Jungkook still couldn't get the incident from the previous day out of his mind.

It was a comical sight, actually. Jungkook was pacing down the corridors, trying to outrun his friends to the cafeteria while they incessantly followed him, calling after him to stop and hear Yugyeom out, obviously attracting too much unnecessary attention.

Jerking to a sudden stop, Jungkook whipped around, and the unanticipated move had Yugyeom and Bambam almost bumping into his chest—had it not been for Youngjae yanking them back at the last moment.

"Was it really a mistake, Yugyeom? Or were you trying to pull something on me because you thought it'd be funny?" Jungkook's eyes were blown out in anger, and the other three boys collectively gulped at the brunet's furious expression.

"N-no. Why would I think that?" Yugyeom stammered. His voice was failing him, and he couldn't come up with any logic or proof to back up his words. He just didn't want Jungkook to be angry with him anymore. "How can I make you believe—"

"You're lying."

"—that I— No! I'm not lying. How many times have I said this? If I could just prove it to you somehow. . ." Yugyeom's voice trailed as he sighed defeatedly while looking at the ground, the noise of the lunchtime chaos in the hallways hindering his thought process. But then, he snapped his fingers out of the blue—taking his friends by surprise—and dug out his phone from his pocket.

"Here, look at this"—Yugyeom flipped his phone screen in Jungkook's direction as the other two boys peered at it—"I took a photo of V when I saw him the other day; I don't know why I did that, but now, I'm glad that I did."

Jungkook swiped the phone out of Yugyeom's palm, staring at the image intensely as Youngjae and Bambam crowded him from behind, wanting to see the photo themselves.

"That's V in the picture, alright." Yugyeom crossed his arms on his chest, knowing that he had proved that he wasn't lying. "Do you believe me now?"

He didn't get an immediate reply from Jungkook—the brunet was still too busy gazing at the screen—but he did notice Bambam and Youngjae scrunching their faces at him with confusion and disbelief.

"So," Jungkook said, finally taking his eyes off of the photo, "according to you, this guy in the picture is V?"

Yugyeom nodded confidently. "Well, you can't exactly see his face in the pic, 'cause I was behind him so that he couldn't spot me, but you have to believe that that is him. Just look at the dude's general figure and broad back. That's definitely V."

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