Chapter 22

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Happy new year everyone!
I know I'm very late with the update but I've been a little busy.
And this book hit 60k reads?! Holy shit thank you soooo much

"Jungkook, why do V and Mina look like they just did the do?"

Jungkook—who was sat at the table eating his lunch while reading a book— looked up, lazily flitting his gaze over his friends, before shifting his attention back to the book in his hands, looking unbothered.

"Jungkook, Youngjae asked you something. Answer him," Yugyeom said, sliding into the seat next to Jungkook.

Jungkook already knew what they were talking about. He had himself seen Taehyung and Mina walk inside the cafeteria, their appearances haphazard, and both of them looking very suspicious. For starters, their clothes were disheveled—the buttons of Taehyung's shirt were open and you didn't need a magnifying glass to see the lipstick marks decorating his neck. On the other hand, Mina's top was wrinkled and untucked at places, and her mini skirt had uneven creases.

Both of them had entered the place giving each other sly side glances, as Mina had ran her fingers through her long, black hair trying to smoothen it out, while Taehyung had just ruffled his hair a few times, not even bothering with it much.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that Taehyung had found Jungkook's replacement in Mina—just as he had said he would—and they had fucked, and Jungkook couldn't say that he was all too happy with what he had seen. Hence, he had tried reading a book, in hopes of diverting his attention from Taehyung's sex escapades.

But now his friends were here, and Jungkook knew very well that they already had a hunch about things and that they wouldn't leave him alone until he confirmed their doubts. So, without lifting his gaze from the page he was on, he said, with a nonchalant shrug, "I don't know. Why're you asking me?"

"Don't act ignorant Jungkook. Just tell us. Did you and V talk this morning or any time else?" Bambam asked, plopping down next to Jungkook. The three friends were huddled around him, since the table was vacant at the moment as no one else had arrived yet.

"You guys really wanna know, don't you?" Jungkook put down his book, giving the boys a pointed look. He let out a loud sigh when he saw them nod. "Okay. He asked me to have sex with him inside the janitor's closet in the middle of a class. I—obviously—turned him down. Happy?"

"No, we aren't happy. Why would you say no? That's not what we taught you Kooks," Bambam said, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Wait. You're saying that I should have agreed to it?" Jungkook said, cocking an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Of course, you should have. This is a plan. This is about revenge. You do whatever is necessary, Kooks," Bambam said.

"I can't believe this. I'm—I'm totally inexperienced. What do you guys want me to do?" Jungkook sputtered.

"Use some sense, Kook. If you turn him down, he will go to others. He is not supposed to sleep with anyone else but you. It was your fault that he went to Mina," Yugyeom said, slurping on his noodles.

"You guys are being delusional. V and I have slept together like, only twice. He's not gonna stop sleeping around just like that. Old habits die hard. And I'm not a goddamn wizard with a magic wand that I can just wave around and poof — V becomes my dog. Give me some time," Jungkook said in annoyance, clearly not liking his friends' opinions as his face took on a scowl.

"Yeah, we will. But there are other problems too," Bambam said, and Jungkook shifted his questioning gaze to him. "What is it now?"


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