Chapter 37

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"I cannot believe I'm actually going along with this."

Taehyung opened the door, the sight of the six boys—and one arachnid—stood behind it prompting him to rethink his recent life decisions.

Shoving the redhead to a side, the boys, led by Seokjin, barrelled inside the former's dorm with partly a purpose and partly for entertainment.

"Okay, so how are we doing this?" Jimin looked at the boys filtering in behind him before reverting his attention to the cage in his grasp which inhabited the tarantula that was currently the recipient of the blond's soft words and coos.

"I say the faster, the better," Seokjin announced matter-of-factly, completely brushing off the sight of his sniffling boyfriend stood right next to Jimin.

"You guys invade my privacy with zero regard. That's cool," Taehyung muttered, shutting the door behind Minjae who patted his back sympathetically.

Thinking back to it, there was nothing Taehyung could do about it; not when he had already been thrown under the bus by Jimin's genius solution of keeping Monie with him to put a momentary halt to their hyungs' incessant bickering.

The only silver lining was the delay with which this idea was being implemented, exactly right after Taehyung and Jungkook had made up which had given the redhead an appropriate window to assess the brunet's take on his cohabiting with a tarantula, and whether or not it'd take a hit on their sex life.

Although that hadn't been too fruitful, because when Taehyung had asked for Jungkook's opinion on the matter, he'd received a rather annoyed and cryptic response:

'Yeah, sure, you don't ask me about the microwave in your dorm, but you question me about bringing in a spider.'

Taehyung counted that as an okay from him. He just prayed he wasn't wrong about it.

"You seem to be in much better spirits now." Yoongi's voice called out from where he had taken a spot on the couch in the living room, his curious gaze maintained on Taehyung's approaching form. "Did something good happen?"

Being observed by Yoongi's hawk-like irises put Taehyung on edge, but he knew that this was inevitable since the alleviation in his mood in the past few days had been fairly obvious.

If not Yoongi, then someone else would have asked him the same, considering how nosy all his friends were—and also because, lately, the state of his relationship with Jungkook could be discerned from Taehyung's overall vibe alone.

Not that the others were aware that Jungkook had been affecting him so. And he'd like to keep it that way.

"No," Taehyung simply said, taking a seat, too, while his friends caused a ruckus in the background, "'S the same old stuff."

Yoongi hummed as if in contemplation. "Whatever it is, keep it up. You're more bearable with that jolly glow around you."

"Oh-kay?" The uncertainty at the older's eccentric answer could be heard in Taehyung's response, but he received no follow-up on it.

Was it true, though?

Was Taehyung glowing?

On one hand, things with Jungkook were back on track and he was going to hook-up with the brunet today after quite some time, and, yeah, he was immensely looking forward to it.

So maybe it was a pre-sex glow.

Wait, was that even a thing?

Could Taehyung ask Yoongi to specify what he was talking about? Would the older even be willing to take follow-up questions now?

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