Chapter 11

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Okay so....
The music. The song. The lyrics. The mv. GAAAAHHHHH.
The song is magical and the lyrics are lovely.
It has such a beautiful message like I can't-
Now I'm waiting for the album.

"Who does he think he is?! That annoying little shit! How dare he go off and yell at us like that?! That brat has no manners."

Jungkook looked up from the book he was reading, and turned his head towards the entrance of the lounge where all the noise was coming from. He spotted a group of boys entering the room clad in football jerseys, completely drenched in sweat.

Amongst the group, Jungkook spotted quite a few familiar faces. There was Hoseok walking next to Chanyeol who was fuming with anger, yelling profanities. Bogum and Taeyong walked side by side, looking upset with their heads hung low, their expressions mirroring each other's. There was Jackson too, along with a couple of guys Jungkook didn't know.

Upon realising that they were heading his way, Jungkook shut his book and kept it aside as Hoseok sat next to him.

"What's with everyone's faces? Why do you all look so upset? Or angry as in Chanyeol hyung's case?" Jungkook asked, his eyes flitting across the group, as he raised an eyebrow at them.

"It's all because of that stupid V. Don't know who put a stick up his ass, but he took all his anger out on us during practice today. I would have beaten the shit out of him if it wasn't for the guys stopping me." Chanyeol huffed.

"Just let it go Chanyeol. You know how Tae is. He can't control his anger at all. Just give him some time to cool down. He'll come around soon." Hoseok assured, massaging his forehead.

"We have been tolerating him for a week now, and he hasn't  shown any signs of cooling down at all. You should have let me beat him up. It would have been better than us running 20 laps around the field!" Chanyeol shouted, agitated.

"Yeah, I agree with Chanyeol here. Also, saying that we don't even know how to kick a ball right, and that we should just bury our useless selves in the ground was too much. Like, why did the coach even make him the captain when he's like that? Sheesh." Jackson complained, taking a seat at the table.

"Oh god, he actually said that? How could he? It's not like he's that good at it himself." Jungkook added.

"Sadly, he is. He's better than any of us. That's why he's the captain. But he really crossed the line today. I had a really hard time holding everyone back from snapping at him. Heck, he even yelled at Bogum, so you can guess how angry he must have been." Hoseok said, sipping on his water bottle.

"That's why he looks so upset. Omg, he must not have expected that." Jungkook giggled.

"I was actually having a lot of fun with him yelling at people as he humiliated them. It was quite funny until it happened to me. My ears are still ringing from his screams." Bogum explained.

"He was also very physical with everyone today. He played so rough and dirty, shoving and pushing them to the ground, even the coach called him out on that." Hoseok explained further. "Poor Taeyong though. He has recently joined the team, and unfortunately our usual goalkeeper couldn't make it so he had to substitute him. V almost hit him today when he made a mistake and called him a pencil dick."

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