Chapter 32

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Kim Taehyung had finally—and officially—lost his mind.

Well, no huge surprise there.

But the question that arose was how Taehyung had come to that great epiphany; how he had admitted it to himself.

Guess coming up to the dorm of the person who is royally pissed at you and could care less about your existence was proof enough that something was really wrong with Taehyung's brain.

To be extremely frank, Taehyung did not know how he ended up on Jungkook's floor, and even more so, could not fathom how or why he was standing at his door.

The two of them had not been on talking terms for days now, and Taehyung was pretty sure that he was getting some cold-war vibes from the younger, so it was obvious that their situation now was just about who'd give in first — who'd react first and take the initial step towards mending things between them.

Usually overshadowed by vanity, Taehyung's behaviour had done a complete hundred eighty on his unsuspecting self after what had happened in the cafeteria today.

Maybe listening to his friends talk had somehow enlightened him, or getting to hear about his fuckbuddy's current condition had made him extremely restless—not that he hadn't already been experiencing discomfort for the past few days, but this time, the feeling had been different.

It was making his skin crawl, making him wring his hands in worry, and causing creases to appear on his forehead which triggered his anxiety and made his head ache immensely.

All he knew was that he could not take the silence and the abstaining any longer; Taehyung's patience had finally reached its threshold.

So, making up his mind, he had decided to head to Jungkook's dorm to have a quick chat with him.

But upon reaching his door and having knocked twice—albeit, a little fearfully—Taehyung wasn't so sure about his decision anymore.

A few factors were behind the suspicions plaguing his mind.

First and foremost was the consistent fear of the younger persisting in his heart. He was just so scared of him right now, and not being able to figure out the reason behind Jungkook's anger just enhanced that feeling.

He was aware that it was something related to him almost kissing the brunet against his wishes, but it somehow seemed that that wasn't all this was about.

He felt like he was missing something; like he was forgetting something.

Coming to the second factor that was deterring him from carrying out whatever he had in mind was the location he had chosen to talk things out with Jungkook.

Taehyung would like to think that he had more sense than arriving at Jungkook's dorm for anything that was exclusively related to them and their arrangement — especially when the brunet had a very observant and nosy roommate.

Things could quickly go south for them if they were discovered by their blond friend, but, apparently, that was a risk Taehyung was willing to take.

That was a lie, actually. Taehyung had already checked that Jimin was nowhere even near the dorm building before making his way over.

But that didn't mean that the chances of Jimin just barging in on him and Jungkook were completely eliminated. Taehyung would just have to make the most efficient use of whatever little time he'd be able to get with the younger.

Talking of time, it had been a few minutes since Taehyung had arrived, and even after knocking twice—albeit, timorously—he hadn't been able to procure any response from the other side of the wooden barricade, which, in turn, led him to think that maybe no one was home.

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