Chapter 18

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Daddy in yo area^

I'm back from the dead.

Welcome to the longest chapter in the history of the longest chapters ever written.
Take your time to read it everyone.

"Fuck my ass."

The words escaped Jungkook's mouth as he pushed open the door to his dorm, all the while groaning and muttering curses under his breath.

The walk from Taehyung's dorm to his had been nothing short of a torture as Jungkook had limped throughout the corridors, holding onto the walls for support. Every cell in his body had screamed at him to stop being stubborn and to just give up, but Jungkook was nothing if not a hardheaded bastard. The only relief Jungkook felt came from the fact that he hadn't met a single soul on his way, the building being nearly empty since students had already left for their classes.

Upon entering the room, Jungkook beelined for his bedside table and threw it open, rummaging through its contents. He was desperately in need of a painkiller since the effect of the one he had had back at Taehyung's dorm was now wearing off, as Jungkook felt the hot piercing pain shoot up his spine and groin again. To make matters worse, his headache was back and it was making his brain pound inside his skull as if wanting to break free.

Popping a couple of pills in his mouth, Jungkook turned to the closet to pick out some clothes but halted when he saw his towel and an outfit already lying on his bed. Jungkook stared at it confusedly for a few seconds, but then his face broke out in a grin when he realised that Jimin must have done this to help him believing that Jungkook would be late.

Aww Jimin hyung.

Jungkook felt gratitude blooming in his chest and felt like hugging Jimin, but then controlled his thoughts when his mind went back to what he had seen on his phone when he had left Taehyung's dorm. He had had many missed calls and text messages from his friends as well as his hyungs, but the amount of texts and calls from Jimin had singlehandedly outweighed the others combined.

Jungkook had known that reading the hundreds of text messages from everyone would have been utterly useless so he had just scrolled through them, just to make sure that there wasn't anything important in them. He had known that Jimin's texts would be mostly angry rants and threats which would eventually change to worry for him. So he had skipped them altogether. The last message from Jimin had been him telling Jungkook that he had left their dorm and that he'd like to meet him during lunch so he'd better show up with an explanation.

That was another thing Jungkook had to think about. An excuse that everyone would believe. Honestly, he had no idea how he was going to pull this day off.

He kept all these thoughts aside for now when he saw the time and immediately stripped his clothes, picking up the towel from his bed and limped towards the bathroom.

Turning the shower on, Jungkook picked up his toothbrush and proceeded with brushing his teeth as the small space slowly filled with steam. He jumped into the shower with the toothbrush still in his mouth so as to save time.

The feeling of warm water cascading down his back and limbs was utterly delightful to him as he felt the knots in his muscles loosening. He stepped away from the stream of water and rinsed his mouth, feeling something dribble out of his ass. That's when he realised that he still had V's cum inside him.

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