Chapter 9

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Double update.

Surprise bitches!

It might look like that but all this was supposed to be one chapter so here you go.

The hallway was expectedly void of any human presence, the silence of the night emphasised by the lack of chatter between the two boys.

Maybe that was why Taehyung's grunts were ringing louder in Jungkook's ears who tried to keep his torso as upright and away from the other as possible; not that it was proving to be fruitful in Jungkook's situation of quite literally being piggybacked by the redhead.

It was possible that Jungkook was just deluding himself, but he'd choose that any day—and night—over sticking to Taehyung's back that he was just noticing to be impossibly broad. Like what does the guy eat? 

"Um, V?" Jungkook called out with caution—not to ask him what he eats, by the way, but just to inform him that he was kinda slipping off of his back—and leaned forward upon getting no response. "V?"


Clearing his throat, he tried again. "V?"

Still nothing.  

Had Jungkook suddenly become invisible and weightless to Taehyung?

"V!" Jungkook yelled, his face almost colliding with the back of Taehyung's head as he jabbed his finger into his right shoulder blade.

"What?!" Taehyung yelled back with the same violent passion that made Jungkook flinch. "What do you want? Just say it, you know I'm listening! I have no other choice. Spit it out!"

"Don't fucking yell at me!" This time Jungkook smacked Taehyung's shoulder blade. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm kinda slipping off your back. Could you hold my legs up  a bit more properly? I'm scared I'm gonna drop on my ass any second now."

Although starting off strong, by the end of his rant, Jungkook's voice had turned uncharacteristically meek. After all, he was making a request to someone who could voluntarily let go of him and drop him on the floor on a whim.

"That's it?" Taehyung huffed, slightly turning his head to side-eye him. "Why didn't you just start with that instead of unnecessarily chanting my name?" 

"Oh, well, I am also scared that you'd drop me—intentionally. That's why I'm trying not to get on your nerves." When Jungkook tightened his arms around Taehyung that's when it hit him. "But then, I do have your neck in my hands so you better behave, too, I guess."

"I'm not going to drop you, stupid moron." Jungkook opened his mouth to argue the logistics of that insult but wasn't given the opportunity. "We need to complete this dare, and if we don't do it now, they'll make us do it later. So I'm not going to do anything that might injure you before we're done." 

Jungkook quietly grumbled at the sensibility that was pouring out of Taehyung, not having seen it coming—just like Taehyung's hands that slid up his thighs to properly adjust him and somehow ended up on his ass

"What the—" Jungkook went to say, his words promptly morphing into a yelp when he felt a light squeeze on his ass. His body jolted, his face getting pushed up into Taehyung's hair.

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